• Resolved Carley


    I have installed the free version of Anti Spam and it has been working really well up until recently where I keep getting spammed. Already today I have received 43 emails. I use Contact form 7.
    Here is one of the spam emails…

    From: Lelandhob
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 84816996945
    Interested in:
    Message Body: Hеу.
    If уou rесeivеd this mеssage, thеn yоu neеd tо trаnsfеr 0.5 bitcoins tо the рurse 1CB1Fqi4Qqxi1C2YaPvBpTnTi51dB9xZDg оthеrwise yоu will rеceivе this lettеr pеrmаnentlу until уou transfеr 0.5 bitсоin.
    Why аm I doing this. А vеrу goоd реrsоn is sеriоusly ill but cаn bе savеd, surgеry аnd mеdiсinеs will cоst а vеry lаrge аmount of $ 1 349 590. Еverуоnе turnеd awаy frоm him аnd nо оne wants tо hеlр. Until thе right amount of mоnеy is соlleсted, I will send yоu thеse mеssages.
    If yоu want it to stoр sоoner then trаnsfеr 0.5 bitcoins. I аlso do nоt like this, but I will not аllow the deаth оf a pеrsоn becаusе оf thе indifference оf реоplе аnd govеrnment thаt do nоt hеlр at аll.

    So do I need to upgrade to the Pro version, and if so what setting would I need to enable to block these emails?
    Thanks, Carley.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • anti-spam plugin blocks spam only in comments form section and does not block spam from any other forms on site.
    If you installed and activated the plugin and you still receiving spam – probably this could be because of some other forms on your site (for example contacts forms).

    Yes, @deranged_dev is completely right. Thank you for the reply.
    Anti-Spam plugin does not block spam from Contact Form 7 plugin you have on the page posted above.

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