Looking at the code, the developer used Google Charts. If you copy one of your graph .gif files you can inspect the parameters here:
After spending a little time, I resolved the text issue by replacing the chl to a chdl. The text originally was too large for the maximum size of the graph (440×220) so now it is displayed to the left:
You can fix the text issue by opening the result.total.common.php
$googleChartUrl .= ‘&chl=’.implode(‘|’,$nameArray);
and replace it with:
$googleChartUrl .= ‘&chdl=’.implode(‘|’,$nameArray);
After this change, I also decided to change the colors of the graphs. You can use this site to find hexadecimal colors: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp
If you decide you want to change the color of the graphs, again open the result.total.common.php file and find
$chartColour=’FF0000′ and add additional hexi-decimal colors using a | to separate colors.
Example: $chartColour=’6699FF|FF99FF|9933FF|FF0066|0000FF|000000′;
Hope this helps!