spacing of poetry gets left-justified. NO!
I’d like to use a poem from the following link ( in a post. But when I’ve cut and paste, and then saved the draft, all the text gets left justified–despite trying several times to recreate the spacing effects. What must I do to keep that spacing (indenting) scheme?
the poem is supposed to look like this:
A Poem For Autumn, I Think
Last DaysThings are
changing; things are starting to
spin, snap, fly off into
the blue sleeve of the long
afternoon. Oh and ooh
come whistling out of the perished mouth
of the grass, as things
turn soft, boil back
into substance and hue. As everything,
forgetting its own enchantment, whispers:
I too love oblivion why not it is full
of second chances. Now,
hiss the bright curls of the leaves. Now!
booms the muscle of the wind.(Mary Oliver, in New and Selected Poems, Vol. 1)
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