• I have a fix for the problem reported by StlMunky69 about a year ago.

    Email value parameters (such as “?Subject=This has spaces”) have the spaces removed in the released version of Karma Click Counter. I located and fixed the problem in my copy of the Plug-In but I want to share the fix which is to escape the URL for the case where the headers are not sent.

    Plug-in File: karma-clic-counter/class.KCCCounter.php

    Function: redirect()

    Code fragment – modified line have trailing comments “// Mark Carson”

    // перенаправляем
    if( headers_sent() ) {
    print “<script>location.replace(‘”. esc_url($url) .”‘);</script>”;
    $escUrl = esc_url($url); // Mark Carson
    //error_log(“karma-clic-counter/class.KCCCounter.php => redirect() – (headers not sent) => $escUrl”); // Mark Carson

    //wp_redirect( $url, 303 ); // Mark Carson
    wp_redirect( $escUrl, 303 ); // Mark Carson

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