• Hi,
    I would like to decrease the interspace between the banner on the landingpage and the following welcome-text. I think the space is smaller on the demosite than on my own.
    Is this possible?

    Best regards
    Elke (Frankfurt/Germany)

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  • Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    Hi Elke…do you have a link to your site where this is and I will take a quick look and compare it to the live demo site?

    Thread Starter miyelo


    Yes, of course: https://mainzauber.de/test2016/
    I tried something new. Now it is the space between the banner and the little poem. But it is the same problem.

    This is my first test of the Aberration Theme. There ist much to learn ??


    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    Thank you for the link. I was able to look at the code, but wanted to ask if you have a widget in the “Content Top 4” sidebar position? If you do, are you using a plugin to show that widget on select pages?

    Thread Starter miyelo


    but wanted to ask if you have a widget in the “Content Top 4” sidebar position?

    No. The four Content Top Sidebars are blank. I only use the Banner, the Blog right sidebar and three bottom sidebars.

    Elke / Miyelo

    Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    Something is odd then because when I look at the source code of your page for that template you are using, it shows the content top sidebar containers, although no widgets in it. When no widgets are published there, that container should not be there.

    I just loaded up my local test site with this theme and I cannot replicate what you are experiencing.

    At any point in time before, did you put a widget in any of the Content Top positions and then remove them? I’m thinking something is stuck in the database thinking there is a widget there still.

    Maybe switch themes, then switch back to Aberration and see what happens. Worst case scenario, delete the theme, then reinstall the theme.

    Thread Starter miyelo


    Thank you so much for your endeavour. I tested all your suggestions without success. Now I decided on something else.
    LG – Elke

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