• Resolved frankies83


    Hello, i’ve found that the plugin doesn’t follow the variations order shown in woocommerce. Ex.If i got 1,2,3,4 as variations in woocommerce, after your plugin enabled it will look like 2,4,3,1.
    Using OceanWp and woocommerce latest version.

    Thanks for your help!

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  • Plugin Author Dotstore


    Hello frankies83,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I have reviewed your query that, you have some query regarding the order of the product variations right?

    Actually, in our plugin all the variations display order by ASC variation ID From Higher to lower.

    Click here to review the screen for order of variation.

    Please add the variations in same order as mentioned in the screen and let us know still if any.


    Thread Starter frankies83


    Hello, thanks for your quick reply!
    Actually still having the issue, the order is from higher to lower id, also i tried to move it and play, but there is always some variation that doesn’t follow the order.

    Thanks again,

    Same issue here, wouldn’t be better to order the variations using the “Default sort order -> Custom ordering” setting so that it doesn’t rely on the ID of the variations anymore?
    For example I have some IDs of a size attribute that don’t follow the logical order of S, M, L, XL, etc. and on the website the table looks ordered something like M, XL, L, S, etc. which is not the best.


    Plugin Author Dotstore


    Hello devopwebculture, frankies83,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    Sorry to say but, we can’t change that default our plugins orders as we from the starting we keep that changes and from many users set their site based on that orders.

    So, it would be good that you can change your order as mentioned in the previous screen with variation ID.

    Click here to review that screen again.


    I understand that, but I still have some problems. See this screenshot, the IDs are in order but once I go to the product page the order is not correct, there is no 75, 80 and 85 size of the Turquoise belt, they are way lower mixed with other colors and sizes… do you know why is this happening? Then IDs seems to be correct.

    Thank you



    It will be great if you could add a simple option of how to sort variables:
    – ID asc,
    – ID desc,
    – Name asc,
    – Name desc.
    (at least).
    It will solve all of above problems, I guess.

    The variation order described in those screenshots doesn’t seem to match teh functionality. We are seeing products not matching the variation order at all.

    Order in Woocommerce: https://pasteboard.co/JkDH7SV.png
    Last page of ordering (so should be bottom): https://pasteboard.co/JkDHpZZ.png
    How it actually orders: https://pasteboard.co/JkDHB5R.png

    They aren’t in ID order, or sorting order. Very odd!

    There is a “menu_order” attribute on the variations which should probably be the default value of ordering as I think this is how you order them in the admin screen?

    Plugin Author Dotstore


    Hello delanthear,

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    Yes, we can do that thing that, use can display own order same as admin area.

    Please do below changes to display the same order.

    File path: “plugins\woo-quick-cart-for-multiple-variations\includes\variant_purchase_extended_functions.php”

    function name: “wqcmv_conditional_logic_variation”

    Line no: 361 approx in our latest version.

    Update below array variable arguments in which added the last two line which order the variations with admin side saved order.

    $variation_args = array(
    		'post_type'      => 'product_variation',
    		'posts_per_page' => $variations_per_page,
    		'post_status'    => 'publish',
    		'post_parent'    => $product_id,
    		'fields'         => 'ids',
    		'paged'          => $paged,
    		'orderby'        =>'menu_order',
    		'order'          => 'ASC',

    Save the settings and let us know how it works,

    Based on your feedback, we will also update this code in our upcoming version.


    That has worked!

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Dotstore


    Hello there,

    This thread has been inactive for a while so we’re going to go ahead and mark it Resolved.

    Please feel free to open a new thread if any other questions come up and we’d be happy to help. ??


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