Hello tryintoohard.
Thank You for Your feedback.
It’s important for us to solve Your problem and help You enjoy our products.
It’s a pity that You didn’t have an opportunity to estimate our plugin’s benefits.
In order to help You, please contact us via internal support. https://woobewoo.com/contact-us/
Also please provide a link to a page where we can see the problem.
I’m sure we will find a solution together.
We tried to reproduce your problems on our testing servers and didn’t have any luck.
I checked both automatic and manual sorting.
To activate the manual sorting, enable “User custom sorting” in the Settings tab: https://prnt.sc/rbif1k
The next step is to arrange the goods in the correct order in “Content” tab: https://prnt.sc/rbhty6
Now the goods are displayed in the specified order: https://prnt.sc/rbhujm
Read more in the article: https://woobewoo.com/documentation/sorting-product-table/
Also, this problem can be because of:
– Outdated or broken cache on site hosting, or CDN cache.
– Conflict with any other plugin or theme.
We’ll be happy to help you set up your product table.