After some hours of diving into phpmyadmin, lots and lots of articles… I finally found the solution.
This should only be done if you got back ups on your database and test it first on a testserver. And only if your charset is utf8 from the beginning.
In PhpMyAdmin I the selected the database I wanted to change (In my case the posts table). Click on Operations and change the Collation to ‘utf8_swedish_ci’. However this don’t solve the problem, it only effect newly created posts and not posts which was already in the database.
Next step is to go where you write your SQL, in PhpMyAdmin there is an SQL tab. (Which I used).
Write in this SQL (Change the ” to ′′):
ALTER TABLE 'table_name' CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_swedish_ci
You will have to do this with ALL tables invidually. Ofcourse there might be a better way around this then how I did it. But maybe it helps someone.