Sorting Categories
[ Moderator note: moved to Fixing WordPress. ]
So I am trying to create 3 different pages on my site that sort categories and it is not working. This is for a cattle ranch. I am creating pages to display the bulls, foundation cows, and current cows in the herd. I am creating pictures with info on each animal in cherry projects and assigning them to a category of the same name, bulls, foundation cows, current cows. I set up cherry shortcodes to filter each page for ONLY those categories so that bulls only show up on the bulls page, current cows only show up on the current cows page, etc. But it will not sort for me. each page lists every single project I have created.
Here is my shortcode from cherry shortcodes:
[cherry_projects listing_layout=”grid-layout” loading_mode=”ajax-pagination-mode” load_animation=”loading-animation-move-up” hover_animation=”simple-scale” filter_visible=”false” filter_type=”category” category_list=”foundation-cows” order_filter_visible=”true” order_filter_default_value=”desc” orderby_filter_default_value=”name” posts_format=”post-format-all” column_number=”3″ post_per_page=”12″ item_margin=”4″ justified_fixed_height=”300″ grid_template=”grid-default.tmpl” masonry_template=”masonry-default.tmpl” justified_template=”justified-default.tmpl” cascading_grid_template=”cascading-grid-default.tmpl” list_template=”list-default.tmpl”]
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