• Resolved arabesco


    Hallo David,
    thanks for your continuing work on this great plugin.
    I am learning to use it with great profit every day.

    A couple of weeks ago I posted a question on a different thread (

    I want to sort the Gallery

    ) and I rephrase it now.

    Even before reading your suggestion, I had come out with a solution for sorting a gallery on a taxonomy term by copying the term to a Custom Field: “Anno Sociale” in my case.

    My mla_gallery shortcode is

    [mla_gallery mla_style=bordato mla_markup=con_titolo post_mime_type=all tipo_documento=’ritaglio-stampa’ anno_sociale=”{+template:({+request:term_slug+}|a-bad-term)+}” columns=4 …etc… ]

    In order to populate the Custom Field I created a Mapping Rule
    in “Media Library Assistant v2.25 Settings”.

    My Mapping Rule is such that the “Data Source” is [+terms:anno_sociale+]
    the “Option:” is text and “Delete NULL values” is unchecked.

    This is working, however since the beginning I could not find a way to have the Custom Field created and populated for new attachments even though the forst two checkboxes in the Custom Fields Setting page being checked. I always have to run the “Map All Attachments” procedure of my mapping rule.

    Now there is a second issue I would like to address. I would prefer to populate the Custom Field not from the taxonomy term name, but rather from the slug. That way I could provide a sort order independent of the lexycographic order of the term names
    When I retrieve attachments, for example in [mla_tag_cloud] based on the “Anno Sociale” taxonomy, I can sort on the slug using orderby=slug. But in another [mla_gallery], where I don’t retrieve attachments based on the “Anno Sociale” taxonomy, and I have to use the meta_key … meta_value syntax in order to sort the results the way I need. As an example I am doing

    [mla_gallery mla_style=bordato mla_markup=con_titolo post_mime_type=all tipo_documento=’ritaglio-stampa’ testata_del_ritaglio=”{+template:({+request:term_slug+}|a-bad-term)+}” columns=4 meta_key=”Anno Sociale” orderby=meta_value order=DESC …etc… ]

    but I am getting the output sorted by the Names of the terms that populated my Custom Field, not by their slugs.
    Is there a way to write a Mapping Rule that creates the custom field the way I’d like it?

    Thanks David, and keep up the good work.


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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thank you for your positive feedback and for the details you have posted regarding your application and questions. First, you wrote:

    My Mapping Rule is such that the “Data Source” is [+terms:anno_sociale+] the “Option:” is text and “Delete NULL values” is unchecked.

    This is working, however since the beginning I could not find a way to have the Custom Field created and populated for new attachments even though the first two checkboxes in the Custom Fields Setting page being checked. I always have to run the “Map All Attachments” procedure of my mapping rule.

    You have checked the “Enable custom field mapping when adding new media” and “Enable custom field mapping when updating media metadata” options on the Custom Fields tab. I believe this does not help you becauuse the terms in the anno_sociale taxonomy are not assigned when the custom field mapping rule runs. Can you tell me how the terms in this taxonomy are assigned to the items? If it is an IPTC/EXIF mapping rule, what are the details for that rule?

    For database update efficiency, all of the mapping rules are evaluated and their results held in an array, then applied to the item at one time at the end of the mapping process. That is why the [+terms:anno_sociale+] value does not work on the initial upload but does work later, when you run “Map All Attachments”. If you can replace the [+terms:anno_sociale+] value with an alternative that uses the original IPTC/EXIF source values you might have a solution. Does that make sense?

    Second, you wrote I would prefer to populate the Custom Field not from the taxonomy term name, but rather from the slug. You could use the existing hooks MLA provides during the mapping process to do this, but it is a very reaosnable requirement that may be of interest to other MLA users. I have added a new feature to the terms: prefix so you can specify the field you want, e.g., ‘name’, ‘slug’ or ‘term_id’. To use the new feraturesimply add the field name to your substitution parameter, e.g.:


    I have uploaded a new MLA Development Version dated 20160506 that contains the code required to extract the field you want form the term object. To get the Development Version, follow the instructions in this earlier topic:

    Shortcode not working in (special) widget

    It would be great if you can install the Development Version and let me know how it works for you. Of course, if any other problems emerge I want to know about them as well. Thanks for inspiring a new MLA feature.

    Thread Starter arabesco


    Hallo David,
    thanks for your response to my questions.

    Here is a short update.
    Regarding my first issue, what I can say is that I am not using any IPCT / EXIF data or mapping rule, and that I would not be able to retrieve the data for my

    Anno Sociale

    classification from IPCT/ EXIF data even if I did.
    Most of the times I load my attachments using the Add New submenu in the Media menu. I have the

    Bulk Edit Area

    enabled at top of the page and I identify (add) most taxonomy data before uploading files.
    Even when I include data for the

    Anni Sociali

    taxonomy the corresponding Custom Field addressed by the mapping rule does not get filled.

    About my second issue, last night I tested your Development version and it works perfectly: when I ran the updated mapping rule the attachments where the term slug is different from the term name got their custom field updated. The sorting based on the field now results the way I wanted.
    Thanks for your great support, I did not expect you would provide a new feature for this!
    Best regards,

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thank you for your update with the good news regarding the Development Version and the additional information about your “Anni Sociali” term assignment process.

    As I wrote earlier, the assignment rule won’t work during the initial upload process because of the way MLA processes all rules before making any updates. I don’t know if there is a general fix for this issue but I will look into it. If not, I believe your specific application can be made to work with a bit of PHP code that uses the hooks built in to the MLA mapping process. You can add the code to your theme’s functions.php file or install it as a small custom plugin. If that would work for you, let me know.

    Thread Starter arabesco


    Hallo David,
    thank you for your latest reply.

    I think my remaining issue is something I can live with, particularly now that my task of adding many old documents to the media library is nearly completed.

    In addition, I realized just recently that a Map Custom Field metadata button is available in the single Edit page and when you select Edit in the “Azioni di gruppo” (Bulk actions?) of the Media Library Assistant page. That makes the function available to users with the Editor role, as opposed to administrators only, and therefore I can instruct my editors to perform the mapping after adding one or more documents to the library instead of doing it myself from the settings page.

    I don’t exactly understand at this point the meaning of the Enable custom field mapping when adding new media checkbox on the Settings page, but I am satisfied with this without developing a function with the hooks built in to the MLA mapping.

    Thanks again for your support, and if you want, do mark this topic as resolved.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I have uploaded a new MLA Development Version dated 20160601 that contains the new /examples/mla-bulk-edit-remap.php.txt example plugin, which solves the custom field mapping issue you reported above. If you install and activate the plugin your “Anni Sociali” values should be applied without any manual effort. To get the Development Version, follow the instructions in this earlier topic:

    Shortcode not working in (special) widget

    It would be great if you can install the Development Version, try the example and let me know how it works for you. You can follow the instructions in the “MLA Gallery Filters and Actions (Hooks)” section of the /Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab to access the example. Of course, if any other problems emerge I want to know about them as well. Thanks for inspiring a new MLA example.

    Thread Starter arabesco


    Hi David,
    I installed and tested your new development version and the example plugin that you developed.

    My custom field mapping rule runs as soon as files are uploaded via the “Add new” page using the “bulk edit” area, but only when the multifile uploader is selected. In that case my Anno Sociale field gets filled automatically with the correct value. When the browser uploader is used, neither the taxonomy terms nor the custom field are set in any way – I had not noticed it before because I never used the browser uploader, so I don’t mind.

    I am wondering if the same example plugin could be extended to work for files uploaded when the Add Media button is pressed in the Post or Page visual editor. When adding media that way, I am getting a sort of modal panel, that allows to upload a new files by selection or drag-and-drop; then it continues with a single file media-edit panel that allows setting taxonomy terms, but does not include the map all custom fields link, like your enhanced Edit Media pane. To get to the your Edit Media pane, I have to edit the media item from the Media Manager list or, if I use the media grid view, first get to the media modal panel (.../upload.php?item=2328 ) and then click on Modifica dettagli aggiuntivi (Edit Attachment Details?) at the bottom of the panel.

    Again, I think you have given me great support already, I can live with the present functionality so it’s fine if you mark this topic as resolved.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your update with the good news about the example plugin.

    The Bulk Edit on Upload functions only work with the Multifile uploader on the Media/Add New (Upload New Media) screen. The browser-based uploader and the “Add Media” uploader operate in a different way and I have not been able to integrate the Bulk Edit functions with them. I am happy that you can live with the limitations of the current approach.

    I will mark this topic resolved when the example plugin goes out in the next MLA version. Thanks again for your help with this topic.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I have released MLA version 2.30, which contains the new example plugin.

    I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions regarding the new version.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I have uploaded an MLA Development Version dated 20160802 that contains a completely new approach to browsing and installing the MLA Example Plugins. If you navigate to the Settings/Media library Assistant Documentation tab and click the “Example Plugins” button you will see a new submenu that lists all the example plugins and give you a “one-click” action for installing them. I hope this will make future installations of the example plugins more convenient for all MLA users. Thanks for helping to inspire this MLA enhancement.

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