Home / Plugin: Library Viewer / Sorting
2 years, 9 months ago
Is it possible to sort the output?
How you mean? Do you want the folders first and then the files? The files first and then the folders? How do you think it? If you specify more details I can give you the specific hook to do it with php
For instance, I would like to sort on the file names in the file list. Or on the file creations date. Or on the folder names.
Have look at
What if I want to show the files in revers order ie the newest file at the top?
You can use the filter lv_containing_files. You can see in my documentation here: in order to revert the array and return the reverted array.
You can use the php native function array_reverse . Doc here:
Something like:
add_filter('lv_containing_files', function($arr){ $arr = array_reverse($arr); return $arr; });
In order to add the above hook in your site, read the following tutorial: