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  • I love this, it works great in my site. However, I just noticed that now when I load my narchive.php page, it shows no entries by default. It used to show all the entries until I selected something to sort by.
    Any idea what hapenned?

    Hello. I am trying to install nicer archives on my site and am having a couple problems. The main problem is that when it is meant to show all posts, in either descending or ascending order, it only shows three months. The other posts only appear if I sort by year. I also wanted to remove the menu for sorting by authors, but am not sure which part to delete. My archive page is here:
    and my narchives code here:
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    I’m not too familiar with PHP, but does anyone know how to code up the links to pass parameters (if possible)? Examples:
    Even better, if I’ve got Permalinks setup as posted in the forums (no plugin, just regular method), I’d like to code up the links like this:

    How about support for the characters outside of ascii? You know, the so called special characters: ?¥,?¤,??,?? etc.

    Sorry if this has already been discussed but I haven’t found the answer yet.
    Anyway, I’m getting parse error with narchives if I follow a link to another page (to single entry or whatever) and use the back-button to get back to narchives.php. This happens only in Safari (Jaguar) so far.

    Anonymous, did you ever get an answer to this:

    What do I put in .htaccess if I want to link to narchives.php?
    Anybody know how to make scriptygoddess’s paginate plugin to paginate narchives?</blockquote?
    I’d be inteerested in any answer/solution that you discovered.

    When the archives page loads it defaults to sorting by date descending. Does anyone know how to make it default to category ascending? The $defaultorderby and $defaultorder apparently have no effect.

    Nevermind, the answer’s here:

    Private, draft, and future date posts still show up in nicer archives. Hopefully a fix will be released.

    On the initial page, when narchives.php just loads up, how could I set it so that it only displays the CURRENT month, or better yet the current 2 months. Kinda like Binary Bonsai

    anyone ever figure out how to get the months dropdown to work?

    I have the same setup with index being in root and WP in /wordpress. Narchives worked fine, except for categories with the 404 error. When I copied my index file from the root folder into the WP directory, it worked. So I assumed that it was a path issue. Your issue sounds like a space issue, but you might want to try the above, it might handle your problem.

    As I recall, narchives uses the category id so you must be tweaking the file. In order to use the category name and not the ID I assume you will need to get the category_nicename which would be “two-words”

    Yes, I customized it a bit in order to utilize the prettified URLs. The last issue is that it is making the Category URLs from the Category names (some of which have spaces in them) rather than the actual prettified category URLs, and apparently Apache converts those to the dreaded %20.
    The relevant section (I think):
    $output .= '<br/><br/>'.get_catname($thiscategory).'';
    Since I’m using the nice URLs, I’d prefer not to call the category pages via an ID (making the category pages accessible via two different URLs) but I not able to figure out *where* to put category_nicename.
    Could you give a bit more of an idea?

    I’m not surprised that it’s something I have done (nor sensitive about it); not being a programmer, I think I’m doing pretty fabulously well with WordPress. Your code works. For the record, I converted (around line 134):
    $output .= '<br/><br/>'.get_catname($thiscategory).'';
    to this:
    $output .= '

    Your code works:
    $output .= '

    I thank you for your patience and graciousness in helping me.

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