Dear alexei9a.
Thank You for posting your question. Thank You for saying us about the issue in our plugin. Below I will say you the way how to solve the problem. Please edit the Rich-Web-Timeline-Widget.php file and replace line 60 with this part:
if($get_timeline_style_options[0]->rw_timeline_sort == ‘ASC’)
$get_timeline_options=$wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(“SELECT * FROM $ti_table_name_2 WHERE rw_general_id=%d ORDER BY rw_timeline_year ASC, rw_timeline_month ASC, rw_timeline_day ASC”, $id));
else if($get_timeline_style_options[0]->rw_timeline_sort == ‘DESC’)
$get_timeline_options=$wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(“SELECT * FROM $ti_table_name_2 WHERE rw_general_id=%d ORDER BY rw_timeline_year DESC, rw_timeline_month DESC, rw_timeline_day DESC”, $id));
If you can’t make this changes, please wait for new version of plugin, Our team is making update, we will include this part into the update.
Thank You.