Sortable columns don't work for me
Hi John,
first of all: Thanks so much for this great plugin.
I’m playing around with it, because i want to use it for listing portal users and display their custom profiles (managed by UsersUltra plugin).Everything seems well, except one thing:
The plugin doesn’t seem to persist the “Column sortable” settings. I cannot get any Column Header to become sortable.I looked into the wp_options table to see how the view is persisted and it looks like this:
2825, ‘dbview_Volunteerliste’, ‘O:6:”DBView”:7:{s:7:”version”;i:1;s:4:”name”;s:14:”Volunteerliste”;s:5:”query”;s:254:”SELECT CONCAT(‘/wp-content/usersultramedia/’, ID, ‘/’, m.meta_value) as Avatar, ID, user_login, display_name, user_email, user_registered FROM wp_users w left outer join wp_usermeta m on w.ID=m.user_id and m.meta_key=’user_pic’ where w.user_status=0″;s:10:”columnName”;a:6:{s:8:”username”;s:8:”Username”;s:10:”user_login”;s:8:”Username”;s:12:”display_name”;s:11:”Anzeigename”;s:10:”user_email”;s:5:”Email”;s:15:”user_registered”;s:14:”Registriert am”;s:11:”user_status”;s:6:”Status”;}s:14:”columnSortable”;a:0:{}s:12:”cellFunction”;a:1:{s:6:”Avatar”;s:56:”return (‘ <img width=”100″ src=”‘ . $value . ‘” />’ );”;}s:6:”public”;b:1;}’, ‘yes’
There doesn’t seem to be much information related to the columnSortable element.
Any ideas?
As i need this in a current project, and i appreciate your work, i’m willing to donate a fair amount if you get this fixed soon.I’m running WP 4.1.1 on a windows server, just in case you need to know.
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