• Resolved strarsis


    For the events list page on which all events are listed,
    the newest events (also in future) are shown first, in descending order to events in the past.
    [events_list_grouped mode="monthly" scope="all" order="DESC"][/events_list_grouped]`

    However, this isn’t always a good thing because the upcoming events may be too far in the future. Ideally the upcoming events are listed differently, in ASCending order, with the nearest upcoming event listed first to the most future events.
    Afterwards (below) should come the already happened events.

    It would be nice to allow something like this.

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  • Firstly, the tone you use sounds like your idea is the best for everyone, which is untrue. Even though there is no question in your message, I do assume you are looking for a solution.

    It would be nice to allow something like this.

    EM already does! You are just using the wrong shortcode (for your wishes). As the name already implies, you are listing the events grouped by month. And you are ordering the list in descending order.

    Overview of shortcodes can be found here:

    The accepted arguments are here:

    The first part (upcoming events) should be:
    [events_list_grouped mode=”monthly” scope=”future”]

    Then to show the past events (which is actually a different list, because it uses different filters):
    [events_list scope=”past” order=’DESC”]

    Thread Starter strarsis


    Hi, thanks for the response. It wasn’t intended to make this sound like it should be the default for everyone, text often doesn’t convey tone or intent, so I didn’t want in any way to sound smug or intruding.

    The first time I tried the shortcodes you posted above, it didn’t seem to work at all. Then I noticed that in the WordPress forums the quote characters (") are replaced with more fancier ones (), and those passed attributes are just ignored by shortcode parser, hence no options were basically passed and everything was off.

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