Hey @kirits!
I checked the website URL that you provided; they have displayed the product categories in the left sidebar along with the other product attributes. Their end-users can choose one or more attributes, and accordingly the results of the main product list change.
Similar functionality can be achieved using WooCommerce Product Search extension.
As an example, please check this screenshot of the implementation: https://d.pr/i/gubrCe
In this example, I have made my product list filterable according to the “Color”, “Price”, and “Category” attributes of the products. End-user can select multiple filter options, and accordingly, the product list will adjust to meet the filter criteria.
You can read more about the extension’s features here: https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-product-search/
This is a paid WooCommerce extension; if you buy it; you’ll become eligible for Woo Premium support. You can get in touch with the Woo support team to set it up for your site.
Note: If you want to try WooCommerce products, please note we have a 30-day refund policy. If the product doesn’t work the way you need or you think another product would work better, we are more than happy to offer a full refund. You can read more about our refund policy on our website here: https://woocommerce.com/refund-policy/