• Resolved johnstudley


    Dear Sirs

    I have used Pod admin to list my recent publications

    I would rather list them by publication date but this does not appear to be an option

    I am having to use digits in slugs which is very unwieldy

    Is there a better way to list publications by date (most recent at top)


    Dr John Studley

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  • Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Why do you use a separate field for the publication date? I advice to use the WordPress’s built in date functionality for posts.

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter johnstudley


    Dear Jory

    Thanks for your reply

    We are not talking of posts as in a blog

    I am asking about the pod plugin – it does not sort by date so I have to use slugs

    How do I configure Pod admin so it sorts by date rather than slugs?



    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    I do not understand what you mean with the Pod plugin.
    Pods creates custom post types, taxonomies etc. but these are still WordPress content types.
    Creating a custom post type will add a publication date to that post type as well by default.

    What are you exactly making? A custom post type? Advanced post type? Something else?
    Frontend or backend?

    Thanks, Jory

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