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  • Plugin Author anmari


    Hi Sam,

    I just rechecked on my local site and I cannot reproduce on my local site. I wonder if it is a db mysql thing ? what kind of ‘jumbled’ is it – does it look like natural sorting ? 1, 10, 21, 220, 30 etc

    If you are looking to sort by when users came on board, try using the date registered/days ago fields and see if that sorting works for you. It’s avoiding the problme rather than figuring out what is going on in your system but it might be a quick fix for you.

    Thread Starter sarasotasam


    What I mean by “jumbled” is that the ids are not in order such as 10, 9, 8 …, instead they are 9, 10, 8…
    I have tried sorting by registration date with the same problem.


    Plugin Author anmari


    Ha – that link above made absolutely no sense did it ?! Me trying to do too much support in one go and clipboard had the wrong link!

    ok as you say in the title, it is in your system that it is not working – works elsewhere and on test site


    do you have sortig switched on in the overview settings ? If no switch it on, then try sorting any field by clicking the column headings – what happens ? does it sort. You can try this on the test site too.

    If that still doesnt work – try resetting all settings (there’s a reset button somewhere in the settings) and just seeing if the default sort works.

    If it does, then we know it was something you changed – repeat your setup and see if it happens again (make a not of what you did)

    If it still doesn’t sort, then I really don’t know, but perhaps it would be helpful to know (look in user list settings somewhere in the about your db section an it will tell you these:
    PHP version?
    Mysql version?

    worst case, try

    Thread Starter sarasotasam


    Maybe this will help you. When I rebuilt the list this is the message I got:

    Configure a user list
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function auser_multisort() in /home/smilep6/public_html/sezi/wp-content/plugins/amr-users/includes/ameta-building.php on line 636
    A shutdown was triggered, possibly a fatal error was caught. Please note the message below when reporting this.

    Array ( [type] => 1 [message] => Call to undefined function auser_multisort() [file] => /home/smilep6/public_html/sezi/wp-content/plugins/amr-users/includes/ameta-building.php [line] => 636 )

    Plugin Author anmari


    that would have been handy to know much earlier.

    It sounds like you are missing a file.
    ‘…amr-users\includes\ausers-pluggable.php’. has that function in it

    Delete the plugin and reinstall .

    Thread Starter sarasotasam


    I did as you said and deleted the plugin and reinstalled and am getting this message. Maybe I should rebuild the MYSQL database?

    Configure a user list

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function auser_multisort() in /home/smilep6/public_html/sezi/wp-content/plugins/amr-users/includes/ameta-building.php on line 636
    A shutdown was triggered, possibly a fatal error was caught. Please note the message below when reporting this.

    Array ( [type] => 1 [message] => Call to undefined function auser_multisort() [file] => /home/smilep6/public_html/sezi/wp-content/plugins/amr-users/includes/ameta-building.php [line] => 636 )

    Plugin Author anmari


    hi again,

    I just did that too on one of my sites (totally deleted it and add new from wp) and still no problem.

    Please check that you actually have that file “wp-content/plugins/amr-users/includes/ameta-building.php” on your system
    and that it has the function auser_multisort inside it – it’s about the 12th or 13th function in the file.

    IF that is all fine, then the only other thing I can think of – that file is loaded late to make the functions ‘pluggable’ Possibly something is interfering and removing the actions on ‘wp_loaded’
    You could try normal debugging for a possible clash

    Are you on latest wp and fairly uptodate php version etc

    Thread Starter sarasotasam


    Sorry for the delay – had other things to take care of.

    Yes, I have: “wp-content/plugins/amr-users/includes/ameta-building.php” on the system.
    Yes, The file has the function auser_multisort.

    I have the latest WordPress 4.0.1

    I don’t know if this helps you at all, but here is what happens with the list:
    1. I have the list configured to sort by ID Descending.
    2. I Update field settings and rebuild cache now.
    3. After rebuilding the cache the list appears, but the IDs are not in order.
    4. I click the ID once and the list gets ordered, but Ascending. Clicking the ID again makes the list order by Descending.

    Hope that helps. I will try the debugging when I have more time.

    Thanks – Sam

    Plugin Author anmari


    Yes it seems if ID used then sort DESC doesn’t work straight off. As noted before you may be better off using the ‘registered days ago’ field and sort DESC by that. It should give you the same effect.

    ID is used internally and that is what may be messing it up. It was never intended to be a publicly displayed field.

    Thread Starter sarasotasam


    Well, the sorting is now working. I first deleted the lists I had and then uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin and am sorting by registration date.

    Now something else is not right: When I configure a list with the order such as ID, Display Name, Last Name, First Name and Registered Days Ago – the First Name fields are blank. If configure the list in the same order without the First Name, the Last Name field is blank.

    Any Ideas?

    PS – I want to thank you for your quick response to my questions. Many plugin developers tend to ignore their users questions.

    Plugin Author anmari


    Hi Sarasotasam,
    Please remove the id from the list. -it is used internally and not expected to be displayed. It gets set and unset even if not selected. If used it does cause some strange behaviour. I replicated your problem and removed the problem by not using the ID.

    It is the only known bug and it is not high on the list to address (working on features rather) as most folks don’t want to display it.

    I noted this already here

    If you need to know the users id, then make a link on one of the fields be the ‘edit user’ link – you will see the id when you hover over the field.

    There is a major rewrite of the core function to try to get away from the cacheing. Original method was because of plugins that either don;t store in user meta or use the usermeta oddly, making it hard to query/sort etc. The rewrite will avoid the problems with the ID, but will not be available until much later next year as there are many compatibility aspects to be addressed (or lose some features)

    So for now DON’T use the ID.

    I’m having a sort problem also.

    1) First field I added to wp_usermeta which is a string field containing what I call a metric date “yyyymmdd”

    2) The second field is Registered Days Ago

    Sorting is Column 3 descending then Column 1 ascending
    What I get is something like this

    2014-12-11 03:31:15 ARQROBERTOCARLOS 2014-12-11
    2014-12-11 14:57:52 RonaMarin 2014-12-11
    2014-12-11 15:26:38 ABBAS 2014-12-11
    2014-12-11 23:54:04 lkady 2014-12-11

    However it is formatted like this

    4 minutes ago ARQROBERTOCARLOS 2014-12-11
    37 minutes ago RonaMarin 2014-12-11
    8 minutes ago ABBAS 2014-12-11
    41 minutes ago lkady 2014-12-11

    It appears that the data is sorted correctly – just not formatted properly

    Plugin Author anmari


    Hi Garry, please start a new topic if your question is slightly different.
    The registration date in the days ago is formatted exactly as properly as I needed it for my purposes.

    For your purposes if you do not want to see “days ago”, then as noted in the post link above, either write your own formatting function or use a combination of the two registration fields. Sort by ‘days ago’ and display the other.

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