Hi John,
I couldn’t get your example to work (I couldn’t find wp-includes). However, inspired by the your example, I edited the add-in code using the Editor (under Plugins on the main WordPress menu).
I replaced the following line
$posts = get_posts('category_name='.$category.'&posts_per_page='.$show.'&tag='.$tag.);
$posts = get_posts('category_name='.$category.'&posts_per_page='.$show.'&tag='.$tag.'&orderby=name'.'&order=ASC');
This then produces an alphabetically sorted list (for all instances of the short code).
I hope people find this useful.
And thanks to John for the inspiration!!
Brian Williams
Brian’s Coffee Spot |Devoted to Coffee
PS To see this in action, have a look at: https://www.brian-coffee-spot.com/the-coffee-spot-guide-to/new-york-city/#List