• Resolved Francisco


    Hello, I think the text domain in sort_by.php lines 100-105 is incorrect:

    $current_params = array(
          'label'   => __( 'Sort by ', 'wcpt' ),
          'orderby' => $default_params['orderby'],
          'order'   => $default_params['order'],
          'meta_key'=> $default_params['meta_key'],

    The text domain of the plugin is “wc-product-table”
    I can’t translate the text and apparently there isn’t a way to override templates neither.

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  • Plugin Author WC Product Table



    Thank you for your query. I would like to address your concern.

    I agree the text domain name is incorrect there (and some other places), and it’s been fixed for the coming update.

    For a solution to your query, please check the plugin FAQs > Navigation > How do I change ‘Sort By’ text / How do I select the default Sort By option?

    As you can see over there, the ‘Sort By’ text only appears if the element is not correctly configured. Specifically it happens if you have not provided a sorting option in the Sort By element that matches your table’s initial sorting. The above FAQ will explain how to correct this.

    Once you have used the FAQ to add a default sorting option for your table, the ‘Sort By’ text will no longer appear. That should solve the issue you are facing.

    Regarding the templates you can check FAQs > Other > How can I edit the templates of this plugin?

    Please feel free to write in if you have any further questions.


    Thread Starter Francisco


    Thank you so much!

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