• Hey everyone here is what i have so far…..

    $posts = get_posts(‘numberposts=10&order=DESC&category=68&orderby=post_title’);
    foreach ($posts as $post) : start_wp(); ?>
    <?php echo “<hr>”; ?>
    <?php echo the_event_end_date( $id, $showtime, $dateFormat); ?>
    <?php echo “<hr>”; ?>
    <?php the_title(); ?>
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>

    I need the the_excerpt and the the_title to sort in order from soonest to later.
    This code the_event_end_date( $id, $showtime, $dateFormat); displayed the event date in this format….June 16, 2013

    How can i sort this I am out of ideas???

    PLz HELP!!!!


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  • Hi bigmuddyfoot,

    As mentioned in our sticky thread (https://m.tri.be/10), we unfortunately are unable to help with with customization, styling or integration issues not caused by bugs with The Events Calendar. You have a few options:

    1. Check out our extensive support resources and try to figure it out on your own: https://m.tri.be/z & https://m.tri.be/-
    2. Hire a developer to assist you. We’ve got a list of freelancers who know our code and who we can vouch for. Email us (pro at tri.be) and we’ll pass that list your way.
    3. Purchase a Pro license to get more support: https://m.tri.be/11. As mentioned in the sticky thread, we can provide both a deeper and more frequent level of support for PRO users.

    I hope that helps and good luck!

    – Jonah

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