• Resolved Deryll


    Anytime I go to /wp-admin/ I get “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page”
    The sites frontend works fine.

    I am no novice to solving WP problems but this one has me perplexed.

    So far I’ve:
    Reset .htaccess
    Disabled all plugins from folder & db
    Disabled custom themes from folder & db
    and have done tons of debugging

    I’ve been doing tests with the db and I can get it working normally if I replace the wp_options table with a fresh builds backup.

    I am now searching through the options table to find the issue. It might take me a while because my options table is 4000+ rows.

    Any ideas are welcome and greatly appreciated!

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  • This worked for me, thanks!

    I did all this without any result. I started getting this error on two of my sites after a migration to another server. I use Cloudflare, and what I had to do was switch SSL/TLS encryption mode to Full (strict) on the CF site.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by mitchbartlett.

    Here is what worked for me. I was moving a wordpress site from one host to a new host.
    After coping over the php files and database backup, and updating wp-config.php with the updated database login info, I received this “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page” error when I would try to access /wp-admin/ after login.

    My issue turned out to be the MySQL global database variable:
    The old host had this set to 0, my new host had this set to 1.
    You can check with:
    show variables where Variable_name='lower_case_table_names'

    Since this is a global variable, there are limited options for changing this.
    For what ever reason, the site I was moving had mysql tables using lower case table prefixes. So rather then wp_users it was: a1b23cd_users
    When I searched my mysql backup sql file for the a1b23cd prefix, I would I mixture of “a1b23cd” and “A1B23cd”.
    I don’t know how they came to be mixed case, and since the database was set to accept mixed case, this wasn’t a problem previously.

    I fixed it by doing a search and replace in notepad++ and replacing all instances of the database prefix with the lowercase version.

    Then I restored a new copy of the database, and it works fine now.
    None of the long lists of items to troubleshoot this issue mentioned this setting.
    I came across it because I noticed the the tablename prefixes I saw in phpMyAdmin were lowercase and the $table_prefix value in wp-config was mixed case. So I started going down this rabbit hole, and fixed it this way.
    I hope this helps someone else.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by mirx1.

    @mirx1 It is crazy how many solves here are for this one issue. I guess it is down to it being such a vague error message. Thanks for sharing!

    @semyl I understand the user facing error message being deliberately vague to not expose internal details publicly. But not having a proper error message on the backend, in a log file somewhere, that lays out why it’s erroring seems like a big miss. The code knows it can’t find a table, can’t access a file, doesn’t have permission, etc. WP should catch that error and log it, so it can be properly addressed.

    @mirx1 Excellent point.

    This should be esier to find.

    UPDATE newprefix_options SET option_name = REPLACE(option_name, 'oldprefix_', 'newprefix_') WHERE option_name LIKE '%oldprefix_%';
    UPDATE newprefix_usermeta SET meta_key = REPLACE(meta_key, 'oldprefix_', 'newprefix_') WHERE meta_key LIKE '%oldprefix_%';

    Thanks to author.

    you are a saviour .. oh my god .. thanks a lot.

    Thanks a lot for the solution. It saved me a lot of time. It’s strange that WP allows to modify such critical DB entries.
    In my case it happened absolutely suddenly, I don’t have the subtlest idea what plugin did that.

    @padreed123 You are a life savor even after so many years haha…

    This solution has worked for me after more than 24 hours of searching:

    @padreed123 Thank you, your post saved the day for me as well.

    @mirx1 Thanks you so much for share that information. After 8 hour seach and fix, finally i find you comment and it work for me.

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