Please follow the instructions below.
– FTP to your host and delete the plugin’s folder. Although this is normally carried out when you deactivate and delete the plugin as the website administrator.
– FTP the .htaccess file from your site to your computer and edit and remove all the code between and including the following tags: Make sure you upload the .htaccess file back into the same location you downloaded the file from via FTP.
# BEGIN All In One WP Security
# END All In One WP Security
– Log into phpMyAdmin and locate the database for the website you are working on. Look for any table entry with the following name aiowps and delete those tables. There should be 6 tables associated with this plugin, in addition to the options settings. There will also be other entries for transients and plugin version etc. The following is a list of tables and entries found in the database.
Note: You might like to check the following URL Remove All In One WP Security Database Tables to learn how to search for the plugins tables in your database.
| aiowps_events |
| aiowps_failed_logins |
| aiowps_global_meta |
| aiowps_login_activity |
| aiowps_login_lockdown |
| aiowps_permanent_block |
| commentmeta |
| comments |
-There are other aiowps settings saved in the WordPress “options” table, under the option name “aio_wp_security_configs”. You should also delete the “aio_wp_security_configs” row in the options table.
The above steps will delete the plugin completely from your database and allow you to start from scratch.
Let me know how you go.
Thank you