• Resolved Chrissy


    Hi there, I have been running your wonderful plugin for some time with no problems.

    Yesterday someone purchased the highest priced item ($10) from my shop. Only to be met with this message:

    Sorry, trouble retrieving payment receipt.

    She emailed me and said she had not received the payment receipt email and checked her junk folder.

    So I tried to ‘resend payment receipt, but she didn’t receive it.

    In the end I have just forwarded my own payment notification which included the links. (Hopefully she can use the links)

    The plugin is set up so the user has to be logged in, I have the plugin ‘Easy Digital Downloads – Auto Register’.

    I don’t have “Disable Guest Checkout” checked, should this be selected?

    Can you please tell me what I should do, to make sure this doesn’t keep happening?

    I have a $0 product… if you wanted to have a look, https://papercrystal.com/shop/


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  • @paperkawail Does the payment record show as Complete in Downloads > Payment History?

    Could you also please go to Downloads > Tools > System Info and post the contents here?

    Also, do you use Buy Now or Add to Cart buttons?

    Thread Starter Chrissy


    Buttons are add to cart, the payment says complete.

    System info:

    ### Begin System Info ###

    — Site Info

    Site URL: https://papercrystal.com
    Home URL: https://papercrystal.com
    Multisite: No

    — Hosting Provider

    Host: DBH: pap1431606374632.db.11537989.hostedresource.com, SRV: papercrystal.com

    — User Browser

    Platform: Apple
    Browser Name: Safari
    Browser Version: 9.0.2
    User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Ma
    c OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/601.
    3.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/
    9.0.2 Safari/601.3.9

    — WordPress Configuration

    Version: 4.4.1
    Language: en_US
    Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
    Active Theme: StanleyWP 9999
    Show On Front: page
    Page On Front: Home (#9)
    Page For Posts: Unset
    Remote Post: wp_remote_post() works
    Table Prefix: Length: 3 Status: Acceptable
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    Memory Limit: 256M
    Registered Post Stati: publish, future, draft, pending, private, trash, auto-draft, inherit, refunded, failed, revoked, abandoned, active, inactive, spam

    — EDD Configuration

    Version: 2.5.3
    Upgraded From: 2.4.3
    Test Mode: Disabled
    Ajax: Enabled
    Guest Checkout: Enabled
    Symlinks: Disabled
    Download Method: Direct
    Currency Code: USD
    Currency Position: before
    Decimal Separator: .
    Thousands Separator: ,
    Upgrades Completed: upgrade_payment_taxes,upgrade_customer_payments_association,upgrade_user_api_keys,remove_refunded_sale_logs

    — EDD Page Configuration

    Checkout: Valid
    Checkout Page: https://papercrystal.com/checkout/
    Success Page: https://papercrystal.com/checkout/purchase-confirmation/
    Failure Page: https://papercrystal.com/checkout/transaction-failed/
    Downloads Slug: /downloads

    — EDD Gateway Configuration

    Enabled Gateways: PayPal Standard
    Default Gateway: PayPal Standard

    — EDD Tax Configuration

    Taxes: Disabled
    Tax Rate: 0
    Display On Checkout: Not Displayed
    Prices Include Tax: No

    — Must-Use Plugins

    — WordPress Active Plugins

    Akismet: 3.1.7
    Easy Digital Downloads: 2.5.3
    Easy Digital Downloads – Auto Register: 1.3.2
    Easy Digital Downloads – Empty Cart: 1.0.1
    Easy Digital Downloads – MailPoet (formerly Wysija): 1.3.2
    EDD Related Downloads Carousel free: 1.0
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: 3.8.2
    MailPoet Newsletters: 2.6.19
    Print-O-Matic: 1.6.6
    Share This Image: 1.03
    Simple Backup: 2.7.11
    Simple Image Sizes: 3.0.9
    Social Locker | BizPanda: 4.2.9
    WP Menu Cart: 2.5.7
    Yoast SEO: 3.0.7

    — WordPress Inactive Plugins

    Advanced Database Cleaner: 1.3.7
    BAW Login/Logout menu: 1.3.3
    Convert Post Types: 1.4
    Delightful Downloads: 1.6.2
    Easy Digital Downloads – Social Discounts: 2.0.2
    EP Hashimage: 5.0.1
    Login With Ajax: 3.1.5
    My login/Logout: 2.4
    Nav Menu Roles: 1.7.4
    Regenerate Thumbnails: 2.2.6
    SB Welcome Email Editor: 4.8
    Search & Filter: 1.2.9
    Theme My Login: 6.4.3
    Under Construction / Maintenance Mode From Acurax: 2.1
    welcome email: 19
    WP Maintenance Mode: 2.0.3

    — Webserver Configuration

    PHP Version: 5.3.24
    MySQL Version: 5.5.43
    Webserver Info: Apache

    — PHP Configuration

    Safe Mode: Disabled
    Memory Limit: 256M
    Upload Max Size: 32M
    Post Max Size: 33M
    Upload Max Filesize: 32M
    Time Limit: 30
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    Display Errors: N/A

    — PHP Extensions

    cURL: Supported
    fsockopen: Supported
    SOAP Client: Installed
    Suhosin: Not Installed

    — Session Configuration

    EDD Use Sessions: Enabled
    Session: Enabled
    Session Name: PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path: /
    Save Path:
    Use Cookies: On
    Use Only Cookies: On

    ### End System Info ###

    Can you show us a screenshot of the View Order Details screen for the payment?

    Thread Starter Chrissy


    That all looks fine.

    If you do a purchase as an admin, does it fail for you too?

    Thread Starter Chrissy


    No, and I also used a different computer and did a new purchase as a new customer and it was ok.

    Hopefully it was a one off thing..

    Could you please let us know if this happens again?

    Thread Starter Chrissy


    Yes, I will, thanks ??

    Thread Starter Chrissy


    … ??

    Strange, I’m running into this very issue. The customer sees “Sorry, trouble retrieving payment receipt.” when following the link in the email. I tested the same URL (he sent it to me complaining about the message) and I see the same message as long as I’m not logged in. But as soon as I’m logged in (as admin) the URL shows the full payement data…

    The purchase was done a few months earlier. Could that explain the link not working any more? But why then would it still be accessible as admin?

    @ravanh Could you please send a new support ticket via our support desk? https://easydigitaldownloads.com/support

    We’ll be more than happy to help track it down.

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