I received a post/message from a Felix Garcia on the Wordimpress forum as follows;
“I believe i have found the solution.
Go to your google places under your regular account and click Manage Locations, on top Right there will be a Red Edit button click that. Under Address click Edit, You need to have “I also serve customers at my business address” Checked.
Most of us have it unchecked because we want to hide our business address or cuz we don not service customers at that address. But for some reason google api will only work if you have it checked.
I recommend whatever your reason, if you want it to work you check that box!”
I had disabled the Google Places Reviews Pro plugin as the error message looked crap on my web site, so I carried out Felix’s suggestion and dropped the widget back in web site and was delighted to see it working, thank goodness ?? it’s a great plugin and has been an invaluable tool for promoting the kind reviews from many satisfied customers so I’m delighted to get it back online again thanks to Felix’s recommendation.
After hours of research it took just a few minutes to fix.