• Hi,

    My site: https://clothesonfilm.com/

    About two days ago I upgraded to WordPress 2.9.1. and am now unable to edit my theme files. Clicking on any of the templates just brings up a ‘Sorry, that file cannot be edited’ message.

    I have tried disabling the plug-ins one by one to see if any of them were conflicting, but it made no difference.

    Everything was working fine before. Apart from the upgrade I have made no changes to my blog.

    Any help or advice is much appreciated.


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  • the same thing happens with me, my site is https://carpeomnius.com/
    and I upgraded to wordpress 2.9.1 too =(
    please help me.

    Something is going on. We’re either being hacked or there’s a major problem with 2.9.1 or 2.9.1 is using something that’s not compatible with some hosting servers… They’ll fix it, rest assured… Until then, multiple blogs will remain damaged or become outdated with old content… My last post was on 01/10 and there’s not much I can do about it… Try using Opera 10.10… Firefox is DOA, cannot login… ??

    Did you check your file permissions?

    Yes and, I’ve deactivated all plugins and, I’ve activated a proven theme (primepress)… Whatever engine in 2.9.1 that inserts images into posts and saves drafts or publishes posts is timing out. This error is what I get attempting to accomplish any of these tasks to include logging in via Firefox…

    The requested URL could not be retrieved

    While trying to retrieve the URL: https://freedomfromthepress.net/wp-admin/post.php

    The following error was encountered:
    Read Error

    The system returned:
    (104) Connection reset by peer

    An error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please retry your request.

    Your cache administrator is webmaster.
    Generated Tue, 12 Jan 2010 19:31:21 GMT by Proxy2 (squid/2.7.STABLE7)

    I’m starting to see this a lot on various forums. Besides this issue, those that don’t have the problem yet are posting links to coding to give people a hand figuring this out. If there’s anything worse than a problem, it’s those self-righteous obnoxious know-it-alls that gleefully provide condescending responses and offer little assistance.

    I’m familiar enough with coding to make changes, but this one has me stumped. From what I’ve found so far, it doesn’t seem to be a plug-in issue. There’s a problem with the update- I guess next time I won’t trust the coders to provide something worth updating until others have done so successfully. As far as the comment “They’ll fix it, rest assured…” I’m seeing this issue posted her and elsewhere for longer than 3 weeks with no solution found yet. The name Toyota comes to mind…

    BTW, changing file permissions doesn’t work. This shouldn’t be anything that anyone should have to do anyway…

    I maintain 6 different WordPress blogs all running either 2.9.1 or 2.9.2 on two different hosts. I’ve never had this problem until today. Now one is not allowing editing of files through the theme editor. I haven’t tried the plugin editor. It’s very time consuming doing editing through FTP, especially when styling. I reinstalled 2.9.2 on it to no avail. Please find the cure to my insanity.

    I just upgraded from 2.7.1 to 2.9.2 and I am having the exact same problem. I can edit the plugins but not themes. I get the “Sorry, that file cannot be edited’ message. I tried the new theme-editor.php at:
    It resulted in no error message, but after the first file opened, I could not open any other theme file. I switched the theme to the wordpress default — same result. I de-activated all the plug-ins — no help.

    Did you try resetting the plugins folder by FTP or phpMyAdmin? Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    Thanks for the help — I disabled all the plugins via my FTP client, still get the message ‘Sorry, that file cannot be edited’. I then activated the default theme — I could then edit the various theme files. I went back to my theme — error message. Went back to default theme, activated all my plugins — all ok. Went back to my theme — error message. I switched back and forth between the two themes — it seems to follow my theme. Where in the theme code do I start to look?

    Thanks again

    I’d start looking in the theme’s functions.php and any other non-template, non-CSS, file in the theme.

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