• Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi guys,

    I have had reports of users installing the plugin and setting up their connection to Twitter but never being able to display Tweets.

    While these reports are very rare I would like to do everything I can to identify and resolve the problems. In light of this, I am asking that if anyone has problems which involve the plugin getting/displaying Tweets, identified by the Widget output showing “Sorry, no Tweets were found”, that they let me know here.

    It would also be very useful if you could let me know:

    1. Your version of WordPress
    2. The Hosting Provider
    3. Any plugins you use

    All the feedback I get helps me to narrow down the potential issues and focus in on the things which really cause people problems, so I really appreciate it.


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  • Hi Luke,

    Thanks again. Yes please let me know when you have that done. For now, I have pasted some html from Twitter that shows the feed, but I would love to be able to use the built in functionality of your plugin.

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi PLRDME,

    Sorry it is taking so long to identify the cause and fix the problem you are having. We have worked hard to try and reproduce the problem ourselves, but will need some more help from you now.

    I have just created a slightly edited version of the latest release (1.0.9), it contains extra script which will email me the data available to the Widget/Shortcode when it attempts to output your Tweets.

    This will allow me to check that it has actually fetched any data from Twitter and if so what format the data is in and that it is what we expect.

    If there are any problems with the data, it will help me to identify the cause and create a fix.

    You can install this debug version by:
    1) Download the plugin here.
    2) Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload and select the file ‘kebo-twitter-feed.zip’ from where you saved it to.

    Now you should be running the debug version, if you set up your connection to Twitter again and add a Widget/Shortcode, it will then send me an email with the Twitter data and I can begin troubleshooting your problem more.

    This debug version will continue to update as normal, so when I next update the plugin you can update and it will stop sending me the debug version!

    Thank you very much for your patience and for your support.

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    The above link does not work, here is the correct link: https://kebopowered.com/files/plugins/debug/kebo-twitter-feed.zip

    Hi Peter. I believe I did everything as instructed. Thanks again for your help, and let me know if you need me to do anything else. FYI I installed the Kebo twitter feed to the footer section this time. it still says no tweets were found.

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi PLRDME,

    You installed the debug version perfectly, it has been sending me emails with the contents of the $tweets variable. This should contain an list of Tweets with various details for each, however yours is just showing the content of ‘1’. I have never seen this behavior before, so I am working my way through the code step by step in an attempt to work out how it could end up at this result.

    Thank you very much for helping us to troubleshoot this problem, I will let you know once I have more information.

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi PLRDME,

    I have not been able to reproduce the Tweet data being ‘1’, instead of a large object containing all the data for up to 75 Tweets.

    Would you be able to assist me in troubleshooting this further. I have a suspicion that the problem is caused by how the data is being encoded and decoded using JSON. I would like to check that you are receiving the data correctly to begin with and I have created another debug version of the plugin, which will email me the raw response from the Twitter API.

    If you don’t mind, I would really appreciate you installing this version:

    If this shows me that you are receiving the data from Twitter as expected, I will know there is a problem with how the data is being processed/stored.

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    I uploaded the wrong zip file, I will reply in a moment when I have replaced it with the correct one. Sorry!

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Okay, the version at the link above is correct now and will send me the exact response from Twitter so I can check it is working.

    Hi Peter,

    Ok I downloaded the version from the above link (1.1.4?). Let me know if everything installed correctly and are able to get twitter API stuff.



    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi Tim,

    Thank you very much for your patience and helping us to troubleshoot. I am sure you have better things to do, so we really appreciate it.

    I have learnt more from the latest debug version, your site is not actually successfully making the HTTP requests to Twitter, so is not receiving any Tweet data at all.

    I spent a while watching the console as we process the Twitter API requests and there were no requests for ‘PeppLawReview’. In theory if this happens there should be errors in an error log at the bottom of the plugin settings page, even if they are internal WordPress HTTP API errors.

    Would you mind me asking which web host you are using? It may be possible that they are blocking the requests for some reason (or it could be all sorts of other things).

    We are now into difficult territory, where it will be very difficult to continue debugging. I am willing to try, but I will understand if you would rather drop it. You seem to have found a replacement plugin, so if you are happy with that I can leave you with my strongest apology that your experience of the plugin was so bad.

    I will continue to do everything I can to ensure that problems like this do not occur in the future.

    Hi Peter,

    I equally appreciate your continued efforts; I am sure you have much better things to do as well. The Twitter feed that is working on the site currently is just a text/html widget where I pasted some html I copied directly from the Twitter site. It does seem to be working well, so I am happy to continue on with that and let you move on to other things.

    I log in directly with WordPress to access the dashboard, etc. but I think the actual web host is someone different (forgive, I’m still a little bit of an internet dummy)? Our school library has some IT folks who handle the hosting portion of the site, so I think I would have to inquire with them to find out that info. I’ll let you know what I find out.

    Thanks again for your efforts, and I hope you learned at least something of translatable value during the troubleshooting process.


    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi Tim,

    Not at all, it is very important to me that everyone who downloads the plugin has a good experience. I have been doing some more digging and it looks like it could well be that your site is hosted behind the school firewall, which could block access to our API server (which handles all the social data requests).

    If might be that they would be happy to whitelist the IP to our services, which is, but equally they might not want to do this. If not, I am afraid you are stuck not being able to use our plugin.

    I have learnt a lot from investigating this issue and I will be implementing a small notice on the plugin settings screen which shows if the site can connect to our services correctly (with a red/green indicator). This should help to quickly identify this sort of problem in the future.

    I really appreciate all the time you put into helping me troubleshoot the issues you have had. It makes a lot of difference and although I cannot completely solve this problem myself, it means I have found a way to at least handle the situation better and let the user know there is a problem. Thank you for your time.

    Had same issue. Deleted and re-installed plug-in.
    Works perfectly.

    I have tried deleting and re-installing the widget but have had no luck seeing any tweets. Still just the “Sorry no tweets to display” message appears.
    I have very limited knowledge of how to use the site, but have been playing with it for quite some time to no avail.
    Thanks for your help!

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi NU_SkiTeam,

    Sorry you are having problems getting the plugin working as expected.

    When you go to the settings page for the plugin, is there an error log visible at the bottom (it should only be visible if there have been any errors). If so, what errors are displayed?

    Alternatively, you could trying clicking the save button on the plugin settings page, which will force it to refresh the Tweet data, which may resolve the problem.

    Let me know how it goes.

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