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  • Plugin Support Steve M


    We provide support for free every day via the support forums here –

    If you want free support then post in the forums and provide the URL for your site so we can take a look.

    This may not be related to the plugin itself, but to the Facebook scrape information (the data of your link that the Facebook bot reads).

    I’ve had issues with Facebook using old pictures and such – even though I’ve updated the og:image (with other plugins though).

    A nice way to force Facebook to update it’s scrape information is to go to: and type the shared url there. And then click the “Fetch new scrape information” button. Which updates it. But if the site is not configured correctly through this plugin (or other plugins) it will still grab the wrong images and texts.

    You could run every link through the debug tool, every link that you want posted on Facebook that is and see if it shows up the way you intend it to.

    Yes, Facebook has a cache for all images it stores that need to be embedded for billions of posts. The cache saves the last best image that it’s crawler ascertained is the primary image in the post.

    If the user changes/uploads a new image in the WordPress admin and want that image for to be included in a social share, they must debug the post using the button in All in One SEO Pack that takes them directly to the page and loads the URL into the URL field. The Fetch New Scrape Information. It can take one or two tries before Facebook clears the last image and takes the new one.

    Of course, if you want a different image to appear in the Facebook Open Graph embed, you must first upload that image to your page or post and select it in the social meta panel, then SAVE the post. If you do not save the post, then the image is not necessarily set as the default image you want.

    Facebook will then pull the correct image after you have “debugged” the post.

    This is a Facebook issue and not an All in One SEO Pack issue.

    You can also test your Facebook share first by embedding a link in a Facebook status update and sharing only with yourself, by clicking the drop down on the top right of the share box and sharing with “Only You.”

    That way, you can test posts without having to share with the world.

    Thread Starter ibiza69


    Thanks Gaute Ronningen and tonyzeoli, you are totally correct and even, this happens too with linkedin, but them there is no way to solve this issue. Sometimes image show correctly and sometimes the image doesn′t show at all. What I′ve done it′s to unselect the facebook and linkeding mark at the posts, login into those accounts at both social networks and plublish manually, so problems do not come up. Inded I′ve using this plugin for years and attached the images propelly saving the post, but the problem comes from social networks and not from the plugin.

    Thanks for you time explaining all this, for sure will help many users.

    Have a nice day ??

    ibiza69, for Facebook, using the “debugger” should always work. Remember, if you change the image in your post, you must UPDATE the post by clicking “UPDATE” to save the latest change. Then you have to go to the Facebook Open Graph Developers page (we provide a button in All in One SEO Pack on the page-level SEO and Social Meta manager) to clear the Facebook cache.

    If you set the correct image first, then test the post by going to Facebook and adding the post link to the status update window, you should see what it’s going to share.

    I always share with “Only Me” in Facebook to see what the resulting post is going to look like, before I publish.

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