• Resolved holle75


    Hi, weird one. Sometimes Backup gets stuck. It says due to memory problems. Memory is 512M and shouldn′t be a problem. Sometimes Backup goes through. Shared Server, small page. Worked for months. I don′t know since which update the problem occured.

    [INFO] BackWPup 4.1.1; A project of WP Media
    [INFO] WordPress 6.5.5 auf https://domain.com/
    [INFO] Log-Level: Normal (übersetzt)
    [INFO] BackWPup-Auftrag: w?chentliches Backup
    [INFO] Logfile ist: backwpup_log_40e1f4_2024-07-02_08-18-06.html
    [INFO] Backup-Datei ist: 2024-07-02_08-18-06_725LUEKV01.zip
    [02-Jul-2024 08:18:06] 1. Versuche, die Datenbank zu sichern …
    [02-Jul-2024 08:18:06] Mit Datenbank d04rtgdd auf localhost verbunden
    [02-Jul-2024 08:18:06] Datenbank-Backup ?d04rtgdd.sql.gz“ mit 1,72 MB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt
    [02-Jul-2024 08:18:06] Datenbank-Backup fertig!
    [02-Jul-2024 08:18:06] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:08] WARNUNG: Auftrag durch Inaktivit?t von mehr als 5 Minuten neu gestartet.
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:08] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:08] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:09] 2. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:09] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:10] 3. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:10] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:11] FEHLER: Schritt abgebrochen: zu viele Versuche!
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:11] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der installierten Plugins zu erstellen …
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:11] Die Datei mit der Plugin-Liste ?namesite.pluginlist.2024-07-02.txt“ mit 2,77 kB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:11] 1. Versuche, eine Manifest-Datei zu generieren …
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:11] Die Datei manifest.json mit 3,76 kB wurde zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:11] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:12] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:13] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes)
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:14] FEHLER: Schritt abgebrochen: zu viele Versuche!
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:14] Eine alte Log-Datei gel?scht
    [02-Jul-2024 08:23:14] FEHLER: Job mit Fehlern beendet in 308 Sekunden. Um eine korrekte Ausführung zu gew?hrleisten, musst du die Fehler beheben.

    edit: when reloading the page and start the backup again, it works …

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
  • Plugin Support BWU Support



    Thank you for contacting us.

    Can you please try re-installing the latest version 4.1.2 and see if it helps?

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter holle75


    hi, I did go back to 4.1.1 and it worked. Then it didn’t. Went again back to 4.1.2, same same. Still when reloading the page and start the backup again, it works. This is really a weird one.

    i might should try 4.1.0

    any major changes from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 that could explain the problem? Before I am testing all versions.


    Same Problem here. Already tried to reinstall, upgraded from 256M to 512M memory and tested different backup parameters.
    The only way to get a backup finished, is to exclude the upload-Folder.

    Plugin Support BWU Support


    Hi @holle75,

    Thank you for your update. You can check the changelog for the versions here: BackWPUp Changelog.

    Did you manage to resolve the issue in the older version?

    Additionally, you can try experimenting with the “Maximum script execution time” by setting it to 20-30 seconds under Settings → Jobs in the BackWPUp plugin to see if it helps.

    Best regards,


    After the latest Update (4.1.3) the problem seems solved.

    Thread Starter holle75


    Same problem with 4.1.3 … this is not something that has to do with giving a few more seconds to the script. It hangs for minutes. Strangest thing still … it was working for month. This is a small page. Nothing out of the ordinary. When manually stopping the backup process i get forwarded to a white page. When i go back to the page before in the browser, backup restarts right away and works!

    [INFO] BackWPup 4.1.3; A project of WP Media
    [INFO] WordPress 6.5.5 auf https://domain.com/
    [INFO] Log-Level: Normal (übersetzt)
    [INFO] BackWPup-Auftrag: w?chentliches Backup
    [INFO] Logfile ist: backwpup_log_d49426_2024-07-07_23-04-30.html
    [INFO] Backup-Datei ist: 2024-07-07_23-04-30_RC5W01.zip
    [07-Jul-2024 23:04:30] 1. Versuche, die Datenbank zu sichern?…
    [07-Jul-2024 23:04:30] Mit Datenbank d0xxxxxxdd auf localhost verbunden
    [07-Jul-2024 23:04:30] Datenbank-Backup ?dxxxxxadd.sql.gz“ mit 1,74 MB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt
    [07-Jul-2024 23:04:30] Datenbank-Backup fertig!
    [07-Jul-2024 23:04:30] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen?…
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:35] WARNUNG: Auftrag durch Inaktivit?t von mehr als 5 Minuten neu gestartet.
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:35] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen?…
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:35] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:36] 2. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen?…
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:36] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:37] 3. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen?…
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:38] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:38] FEHLER: Schritt abgebrochen: zu viele Versuche!
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:38] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der installierten Plugins zu erstellen?…
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:38] Die Datei mit der Plugin-Liste ?halber85-Die-Veranstaltungshalle.pluginlist.2024-07-07.txt“ mit 2,77 kB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:38] 1. Versuche, eine Manifest-Datei zu generieren?…
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:38] Die Datei manifest.json mit 3,76 kB wurde zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:38] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:39] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:41] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:42] FEHLER: Schritt abgebrochen: zu viele Versuche!
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:42] Eine alte Log-Datei gel?scht
    [07-Jul-2024 23:09:42] FEHLER: Job mit Fehlern beendet in 312 Sekunden. Um eine korrekte Ausführung zu gew?hrleisten, musst du die Fehler beheben.

    Plugin Support BWU Support



    Thank you for your reply.

    Could you please share the debug information from BackWPup > Settings > Information? In the meantime, have you tried running basic troubleshooting by deactivating other plugins to find any conflicts? If you find any, please let us know.

    This will help us analyze the issue more effectively.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter holle75


                                    WordPress-Version: 6.5.5

    BackWPup-Version: 4.1.3
    PHP-Version: 7.4.33-nmm5 (64bit)
    MySQL-Version: 10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1-log
    cURL-Version: 7.81.0
    cURL-SSL-Version: OpenSSL/3.0.2
    WP-Cron-URL: https://domain.com/wp-cron.php
    Server-Selbstverbindung: Nicht erwartete HTTP-Antwort:
    Status-Code: 200
    Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:53:20 GMT
    Server: Apache
    Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
    Cache-control: Array
    Upgrade: h2,h2c
    Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
    Content-encoding: br
    Content-length: 1
    Content-type: text/html

    Document root: /www/htdocs/xxxxxx/domain.com/
    Temp-Verzeichnis: /www/htdocs/xxxxxx/domain.com/wp-content/uploads/backwpup/jhgxxxxxxjhba11/temp/
    Protokoll-Verzeichnis: /www/htdocs/xxxxxx/domain.com/wp-content/uploads/backwpup/jhgxxxxxxxjhba11/logs/
    Server: Apache
    Betriebssystem: Linux
    PHP-SAPI: fpm-fcgi
    Aktueller PHP-User: gfkfkflglgllglxxxxxxxxxxx
    Maximale Skript-Laufzeit: 60 Sekunden
    BackWPup Maximale Script-Ausführungszeit: 30 Sekunden
    Alternative WP Cron: Aus
    WP Cron abgeschaltet: Aus
    Verzeichnis-Rechte: 493
    Server-Zeit: 9:53
    Zeit der Website: 11:53
    Zeitzone der Website: Europe/Berlin
    Zeitverschiebung der Website: 2 Stunden
    Sprache der Website: de-DE
    Zeichensatz des MySQL-Clients: utf8
    PHP-Memory-Limit: 512M
    WordPress-Memory-Limit: 512M
    Maximales WordPress-Memory-Limit: 512M
    Benutzter Speicher: 17,00 MB
    Geladene PHP-Erweiterungen:: Core, OAuth, PDO, PDO_Firebird, PDO_ODBC, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, SourceGuardian, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gender, gettext, gmp, hash, htscanner, http, iconv, imagick, imap, intl, ionCube Loader, json, ldap, libxml, mailparse, mbstring, mongodb, mysqli, mysqlnd, odbc, openssl, pcre, pdo_dblib, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, posix, propro, pspell, raphf, session, shmop, soap, sodium, sqlite3, standard, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib

    Thread Starter holle75


    I′m sorry, should have tried the deactivating game before ??

    WP-Optimize seems to be the culprit. Version 3.4.1

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by holle75.
    Plugin Support BWU Support



    I’m glad to hear you were able to find the conflict. You can report the issue to the respective plugin’s support team.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter holle75


    Question is, who′s doing what wrongly. I′m wondering why the makers of BackWPup are not interested in finding out why WPOptimize might be the culprit? Might be strange if i′m asking the WPO makers why BackWPup is not working?

    Problem persist with WPO Version 3.4.2

    This problem is not resolved.


    After the latest Update (4.1.3) the problem seems solved. It’s better, but there are still unfinished backups. Autooptimize is also installed.

    Plugin Support BWU Support



    Regarding the error in the log, it appears to be related to the memory limit rather than a compatibility issue. Please verify specifically if deactivating WP Optimize resolves the issue, as this would indicate whether WP Optimize is the sole plugin causing the conflict. It’s important to note that deactivating any plugin can reduce memory usage and potentially allow the backup to proceed successfully.

    Additionally, I recommend consulting with your hosting support to investigate if any other plugins are causing server load issues.

    Please also review the PHP error logs and BackWPUp logs for any additional errors that may provide further insights.

    If the issue persists even after rolling back to the previous version of BackWPUp when it was working fine, it suggests that something may have changed either on the server or due to another plugin update.

    Let us know the outcomes of these steps.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter holle75



    Regarding the error in the log, it appears to be related to the memory limit rather than a compatibility issue. Please verify specifically if deactivating WP Optimize resolves the issue, as this would indicate whether WP Optimize is the sole plugin causing the conflict. It’s important to note that deactivating any plugin can reduce memory usage and potentially allow the backup to proceed successfully.

    • With all other plugins activated and only WPO deactivated it works.
    • this is a small site with not much going on. 512M should be more than sufficient

    Additionally, I recommend consulting with your hosting support to investigate if any other plugins are causing server load issues.

    • no other plugin is causing load issues

    Please also review the PHP error logs and BackWPUp logs for any additional errors that may provide further insights.

    [INFO] BackWPup 4.1.3; A project of WP Media
    [INFO] WordPress 6.5.5 auf https://domain.com/
    [INFO] Log-Level: Normal (übersetzt)
    [INFO] BackWPup-Auftrag: w?chentliches Backup
    [INFO] Logfile ist: backwpup_log_xxxxxxx_2024-07-11_09-03-20.html
    [INFO] Backup-Datei ist: 2024-07-11_09-03-20_xxxxxxx.zip
    [11-Jul-2024 09:03:20] 1. Versuche, die Datenbank zu sichern …
    [11-Jul-2024 09:03:20] Mit Datenbank dxxxxdd auf localhost verbunden
    [11-Jul-2024 09:03:22] Datenbank-Backup ?xxxxxx.sql.gz“ mit 1,70 MB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt
    [11-Jul-2024 09:03:22] Datenbank-Backup fertig!
    [11-Jul-2024 09:03:22] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:23] WARNUNG: Auftrag durch Inaktivit?t von mehr als 5 Minuten neu gestartet.
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:23] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:23] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:24] 2. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:24] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:25] 3. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:25] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:26] FEHLER: Schritt abgebrochen: zu viele Versuche!
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:26] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der installierten Plugins zu erstellen …
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:26] Die Datei mit der Plugin-Liste ?xxxxxle.pluginlist.2024-07-11.txt“ mit 2,77 kB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:26] 1. Versuche, eine Manifest-Datei zu generieren …
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:26] Die Datei manifest.json mit 3,76 kB wurde zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:26] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 134217736 bytes)
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:27] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes)
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:29] FEHLER: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes)
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:30] FEHLER: Schritt abgebrochen: zu viele Versuche!
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:30] Eine alte Log-Datei gel?scht
    [11-Jul-2024 09:08:30] FEHLER: Job mit Fehlern beendet in 310 Sekunden. Um eine korrekte Ausführung zu gew?hrleisten, musst du die Fehler beheben.
    • it seems to be a memory problem solely. But a site this size (with only a few plugins) shouldn′t need more than 512M at all

    If the issue persists even after rolling back to the previous version of BackWPUp when it was working fine, it suggests that something may have changed either on the server or due to another plugin update.

    • You are right. I tried the last two versions of BackupWP … with (now) the same problem. So something has changed. Is WPO (or autoptimize @acesulfam ), caching tools as a category, not working properly with BackupWP anymore? Mmh, i can′t find the logic here.
    Thread Starter holle75


    problem seems to be solved with either

    WPO 3.5.0


    BackWPup 4.1.4

    or a combination of both

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
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