• Resolved kevinxtopher


    Anyone can help me with this form…Don’t know what’s wrong with this form…I get this when I submit… “One or more fields have an error. Please check and try again.”

    <h1>Datos Generales</h1></br>

    Nombre[text* Nombre]

    Persona: [checkbox* persona label_first exclusive “fisica” “moral”]

    Razón Social [text* Razonsocial]

    Nombre Comercial [text* NombreComercial]

    R.F.C [text* R.F.C] Confirmar R.F.C.[text* ConfirmarR.F.C.]</br></br>

    <h2>Domicilio Comercial</h2></br>

    Calle [text* CalleComercial] Colonia [text* ColoniaComercial]

    Número Interior [text* NumeroInteriorComercial] Numero Exterior [text* NumeroExteriorComercial]

    Tel 1 [text* Tel1Comercial] Tel 2 [text* Tel2Comercial] Fax [text* FaxComercial]

    E-mail [email* E-mailComercial]

    Estado [text* EstadoComercial] País [text* PaisComercial] Ciudad o Delegación [text* CiudadoDelegacionComercial] C.P. [text* C.P.Comercial]</br></br>

    <h2>Domicilio Fiscal</h2></br>

    Calle [text* CalleFiscal] Colonia [text* ColoniaFiscal]

    Número Interior [text* NumeroInteriorFiscal] Número Exterior [text* NumeroExteriorFiscal]

    Tel 1 [text* Tel1Fiscal] Tel 2 [text* Tel2Fiscal] Fax [text* FaxFiscal]

    E-mail [email* E-mailFiscal]

    Estado [text* EstadoFiscal] País [text* PaisFiscal] Ciudad o Delegación [text* CiudadoDelegacionFiscal] C.P. [text* C.P.Fiscal]</br></br>

    <h3>Datos del representante legal</h3></br>

    Calle [text* Callerepresentante] Colonia [text* Coloniarepresentante ]

    Número Interior [text* NumeroInteriorrepresentante] Número Exterior [text* NumeroExteriorrepresentante]

    Tel 1 [text* Tel1representante] Tel 2 [text* Tel2representante ] Fax [text* Faxrepresentante]

    E-mail [email* E-mailrepresentante]

    Estado [text* Estadorepresentante] País [text* Paisrepresentante] Ciudad o Delegación [text* CiudadoDelegacionrepresentante] C.P. [text* C.P.representante] </br></br>


    Compras [text* Compras]

    Tel 1 [text* Tel1Compras] E-mail [email* E-mailCompras]</br>

    Cuentas a Pagar [text* CuentasaPagar]

    Tel 1 [text* Tel1CuentasaPagar] E-mail [email* E-mailCuentasaPagar]</br>

    Finanzas [text* Finanzas]

    Tel 1 [text* Tel1Finanzas] E-mail [email* E-mailFinanzas]</br>

    <h2>Archivos </h2></br>

    Cédula del R.F.C. [file* CduladelR.F.C. limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.doc id:file class:file]

    Alta de Hacienda [file* AltadeHacienda limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    Comprobante de Domicilio (No mayor a 3 meses, Teléfono no celular, Luz o Agua) [file* ComprobantedeDomicilio limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    Acta Constitutiva [file* ActaConstitutiva limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    Identificación Oficial del Representante Legal [file* IdentificacinOficial limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]
    [submit “Enviar”]

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  • You should use number fields for numbers such as phone numbers, not text fields. e.g.:

    Número Interior [number* NumeroInteriorComercial] Numero Exterior [number* NumeroExteriorComercial]
    Tel 1 [number* Tel1Comercial] Tel 2 [number* Tel2Comercial] Fax [number* FaxComercial] 
    Thread Starter kevinxtopher


    I change it… but I get the same error…
    <h1>Datos Generales</h1></br>

    Nombre[text* Nombre]

    Persona: [checkbox* persona label_first exclusive “fisica” “moral”]

    Razón Social [text* Razonsocial]

    Nombre Comercial [text* NombreComercial]

    R.F.C [text* R.F.C] Confirmar R.F.C.[text* ConfirmarR.F.C.]</br></br>

    <h2>Domicilio Comercial</h2></br>

    Calle [text* CalleComercial] Colonia [text* ColoniaComercial]

    Número Interior [number* NumeroInteriorComercial] Numero Exterior [number* NumeroExteriorComercial]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1Comercial] Tel 2 [tel* Tel2Comercial] Fax [tel* FaxComercial]

    E-mail [email* E-mailComercial]

    Estado [text* EstadoComercial] País [text* PaisComercial] Ciudad o Delegación [text* CiudadoDelegacionComercial] C.P. [number* C.P.Comercial]</br></br>

    <h2>Domicilio Fiscal</h2></br>

    Calle [text* CalleFiscal] Colonia [text* ColoniaFiscal]

    Número Interior [number* NumeroInteriorFiscal] Número Exterior [number* NumeroExteriorFiscal]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1Fiscal] Tel 2 [tel* Tel2Fiscal] Fax [tel* FaxFiscal]

    E-mail [email* E-mailFiscal]

    Estado [text* EstadoFiscal] País [text* PaisFiscal] Ciudad o Delegación [text* CiudadoDelegacionFiscal] C.P. [number* C.P.Fiscal]</br></br>

    <h3>Datos del representante legal</h3></br>

    Calle [text* Callerepresentante] Colonia [text* Coloniarepresentante ]

    Número Interior [number* NumeroInteriorrepresentante] Número Exterior [number* NumeroExteriorrepresentante]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1representante] Tel 2 [tel* Tel2representante ] Fax [tel* Faxrepresentante]

    E-mail [email* E-mailrepresentante]

    Estado [text* Estadorepresentante] País [text* Paisrepresentante] Ciudad o Delegación [text* CiudadoDelegacionrepresentante] C.P. [number* C.P.representante] </br></br>


    Compras [text* Compras]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1Compras] E-mail [email* E-mailCompras]</br>

    Cuentas a Pagar [text* CuentasaPagar]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1CuentasaPagar] E-mail [email* E-mailCuentasaPagar]</br>

    Finanzas [text* Finanzas]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1Finanzas] E-mail [email* E-mailFinanzas]</br>

    <h2>Archivos </h2></br>

    Cédula del R.F.C. [file* CduladelR.F.C. limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.doc id:file class:file]

    Alta de Hacienda [file* AltadeHacienda limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    Comprobante de Domicilio (No mayor a 3 meses, Teléfono no celular, Luz o Agua) [file* ComprobantedeDomicilio limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    Acta Constitutiva [file* ActaConstitutiva limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    Identificación Oficial del Representante Legal [file* IdentificacinOficial limit:5 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]
    [submit “Enviar”]

    That is a very *long* form. I can see other issues.

    For example:

    1: There is an error in your attachments form-tag. You use the syntax limit:5. The FAQ states that unless you specify a value like mb or kb then this will be bytes. 5 bytes is pretty small!

    2: You need to make sure there is a space between any text and the form-tag. e.g.:
    Change Nombre[text* Nombre] to Nombre [text* Nombre]

    3. You can’t place multiple form-tags on the same row (as far as I know you need to do this with css). e.g. change this:

    ‘R.F.C [text* R.F.C] Confirmar R.F.C.[text* ConfirmarR.F.C.]</br></br>’

    to this:

    R.F.C [text* R.F.C] 
    Confirmar R.F.C. [text* ConfirmarR.F.C.]</br></br> 
    4. I don't even know if full stops '.' are possible in form-tags. So change this:

    R.F.C [text* R.F.C]
    Confirmar R.F.C. [text* ConfirmarR.F.C.]</br></br>

    To this:
    R.F.C [text* RFC]
    Confirmar R.F.C. [text* Confirmar-RFC]</br></br>

    Make these changes, and if you still have problems make the form smaller until it works, and then add section by section so you can clearly identify where the issues are, and resolve them using the documentation.

    That is a very *long* form. I can see other issues.

    For example:

    1: There is an error in your attachments form-tag. You use the syntax limit:5. The FAQ states that unless you specify a value like mb or kb then this will be bytes. 5 bytes is pretty small!

    2: You need to make sure there is a space between any text and the form-tag. e.g.:
    Change Nombre[text* Nombre] to Nombre [text* Nombre]

    3. You can’t place multiple form-tags on the same row (as far as I know you need to do this with css). e.g. change this:

    R.F.C [text* R.F.C] Confirmar R.F.C.[text* ConfirmarR.F.C.]</br></br>

    to this:

    R.F.C [text* R.F.C] 
    Confirmar R.F.C. [text* ConfirmarR.F.C.]</br></br> 

    4. I don’t even know if full stops ‘.’ are possible in form-tags. So change this:

    R.F.C [text* R.F.C] 
    Confirmar R.F.C. [text* ConfirmarR.F.C.]</br></br> 

    To this:

    R.F.C [text* RFC] 
    Confirmar R.F.C. [text* Confirmar-RFC]</br></br> 

    Make these changes, and if you still have problems make the form smaller until it works, and then add section by section so you can clearly identify where the issues are, and resolve them using the documentation.

    Thread Starter kevinxtopher


    I change all that you said… and not working…

    <h1>Datos Generales</h1></br>

    Nombre [text* Nombre]

    Persona: [checkbox* persona label_first exclusive “fisica” “moral”]

    Razón Social [text* Razon-social]

    Nombre Comercial [text* Nombre-Comercial]

    R.F.C [text* RFC]

    Confirmar R.F.C.[text* Confirmar-RFC]</br></br>

    <h2>Domicilio Comercial</h2></br>

    Calle [text* CalleComercial]

    Colonia [text* ColoniaComercial]

    Número Interior [number* Numero-Interior-Comercial]

    Numero Exterior [number* Numero-Exterior-Comercial]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1-Comercial]

    Tel 2 [tel* Tel2-Comercial]

    Fax [tel* Fax-Comercial]

    E-mail [email* E-mail-Comercial]

    Estado [text* Estado-Comercial]

    País [text* Pais-Comercial]

    Ciudad o Delegación [text* Ciudado-Delegacion-Comercial]

    C.P. [number* CP-Comercial]</br></br>

    <h2>Domicilio Fiscal</h2></br>

    Calle [text* Calle-Fiscal]

    Colonia [text* Colonia-Fiscal]

    Número Interior [number* Numero-Interior-Fiscal]

    Número Exterior [number* Numero-Exterior-Fiscal]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1-Fiscal]

    Tel 2 [tel* Tel2-Fiscal]

    Fax [tel* Fax-Fiscal]

    E-mail [email* E-mail-Fiscal]

    Estado [text* Estado-Fiscal]

    País [text* Pais-Fiscal]

    Ciudad o Delegación [text* Ciudado-Delegacion-Fiscal]

    C.P. [number* CP-Fiscal]</br></br>

    <h3>Datos del representante legal</h3></br>

    Calle [text* Calle-representante]

    Colonia [text* Colonia-representante ]

    Número Interior [number* Numero-Interior-representante]

    Número Exterior [number* Numero-Exterior-representante]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1-representante]

    Tel 2 [tel* Tel2-representante]

    Fax [tel* Fax-representante]

    E-mail [email* E-mail-representante]

    Estado [text* Estadorepresentante]

    País [text* Paisrepresentante]

    Ciudad o Delegación

    [text* Ciudado-Delegacion-representante]

    C.P. [number* CP-representante] </br></br>


    Compras [text* Compras]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1-Compras]

    E-mail [email* E-mail-Compras]</br>

    Cuentas a Pagar

    [text* CuentasaPagar]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1-Cuentas-a-Pagar]

    E-mail [email* E-mail-Cuentas-a-Pagar]</br>

    Finanzas [text* Finanzas]

    Tel 1 [tel* Tel1-Finanzas]

    E-mail [email* E-mail-Finanzas]</br>

    <h2>Archivos </h2></br>

    Cédula del R.F.C. [file* Cdula-del-RFC limit:50 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.doc id:file class:file]

    Alta de Hacienda [file* AltadeHacienda limit:50 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    Comprobante de Domicilio (No mayor a 3 meses, Teléfono no celular, Luz o Agua) [file* ComprobantedeDomicilio limit:50 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    Acta Constitutiva [file* ActaConstitutiva limit:50 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    Identificación Oficial del Representante Legal [file* IdentificacinOficial limit:50 filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]

    [submit “Enviar”]

    I change all that you said… and not working…

    As I mentioned you need to a) reduce your form into small sections (e.g. 5 form-tags + 5 mail-tags) and then test. If it works add another small set of form and mail tags. If it doesn’t work then check the documentation. All the answers can be found there. I can still see more errors, for example:

    You are still use tel as the name for a form-tag, where you can only use number for fields that contain numbers. e.g.: Tel 1 [tel* Tel1-Compras] >> Tel 1 [number* Tel1-Compras]

    Give your checkbox names something more unique in the form-tag. e.g.:

    Persona: [checkbox* persona-107 label_first exclusive "fisica" "moral"]

    You still need to add a type to your upload max size (mb / kb). e.g.

    Acta Constitutiva [file* ActaConstitutiva limit:50mb filetypes:.jpg|.pdf|.png|.docx id:file class:file]


    Thread Starter kevinxtopher


    Thank you… The form is long but it works… Now the problem are the files… Don’t send it to the e-mail, just the name…
    Many thanks barnez.


    Regarding the attachments, make sure that the attachment mail-tags are inserted into the Mail >> File Attachments field:

    [Cdula-del-RFC] [AltadeHacienda] [ComprobantedeDomicilio] [ActaConstitutiva] [IdentificacinOficial]


    Thread Starter kevinxtopher


    Many, many thanks. sorry for be so annoying!

    really thank you very much.

    Bien hecho!

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