Hi there!
I understand that it is not allowing you to connect your WooCommerce store with Facebook for WooCommerce.
First, please make sure you’ve updated to the latest version of the “Facebook for WooCommerce” plugin.
If you still experience issues, it may be that your currency is not supported. If your WooCommerce default currency is not on this list, some folks have had success temporarily changing their currency to a supported one (USD, CAD, GBP, EUR) to connect and then changing it back afterward. However, this isn’t an officially recommended workaround so we can’t guarantee that it will work.
If that doesn’t help, it looks like resetting the external business ID and re-connecting seems to do the trick in most cases:
1. Surf to https://<your-site>/wp-admin/options.php
2. Search for wc_facebook_external_business_id
3. Update field to include only supported characters and save (best practice: store-name-dfsdc3lck9k6q ← 13-digit random string)
4. Go back to WooCommerce > Facebook and click “Get Started” again
Please keep in mind that the ‘wc_facebook_external_business_id’ WordPress option cannot be blank or contain non-Latin characters.
We also have a few more possibilities added here, so I would recommend you to check that if you are still reproducing such issues: https://woocommerce.com/document/facebook-for-woocommerce/troubleshooting-connection-errors/