Here is why I am seeing – trying to be specific… oh and TIA for your help.
I have 3 plugins. 1 I want to be on the home page the other 2 on everything but the home page.
Plugin A – Show only on Homepage
Pulgin B & C – Hide only homepage checked.
When I go to the site – I only see B&C on the homepage and not A. – Actaully it does the same thing on All the pages –
So I then thought maybe the show hide was switched and I flipped them all and told A to hide on the front page (the one I wanted it to show on) and I told B&C to show on the front page (wanted to hide)
When I did that – they showed up the way I really wanted on the home page…. But they showed up the way the settings were and not the way I wanted on the rest of the pages.
So my conclusion is that is for the front page button, on the front, it is doing the exact opposite of what is wanted. The rest of the pages it seems right.
I did not go deep enough to explore other checkboxes because my only concern for this site was to show on homepage or not.
I do have another site with no problems. So could it be a conflict with other plugins? I thought I run most plugins the same on both sites, but maybe not.