• Hi,

    first thanks for the cool plugin. Just what I wanted, but the most important feature for me is not working. The percentage calculating function. It shows the 3 euros that I have set up in settings, but if percentage of the total is chosen it shows 3 euros of additional fee in checkout page, which doesn’t increase if I add more to the card.

    Latest wordpress and storefront child theme activated.

    I need to set it up like this. Minimal fee is 3 euros, but if order total is more then 100 then 3% has to be aded.
    Can I do it with this plugin?

    My website is here


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  • hi ,

    I am having the same issue with the plugin. i wish to implement percentage fees for COD but each time i try it doesnt give me the correct figure i would get if i use a calculator.

    Can this be resolved and if so how?

    Please i need this sorted as its a criteria from my client to fulfil.


    hi, I resolved from line 560:
    (new variable: $extra_charge, change the $extra_charges to $extra_charge in the new behavior of “percentage”)

    		$extra_charge = round(($total*$extra_charges)/100,2);
    		$extra_charge = $extra_charges;
    	$total = $total + $extra_charge;
    		$extra_add = $roundup_type -($total%$roundup_type);
    		$total = $total+$extra_add;
    		$extra_charge = $extra_charge+$extra_add;					
    	//$this->current_extra_charge_min_amount = $extra_charge_min_amount;
    	//$this->current_gateway_title = $current_gateway_title;
    	//$this->current_gateway_extra_charges = $extra_charges;				
    	//$this->current_gateway_extra_charges_type_value = $extra_charges_type;
    	$extra_fee_option_taxable = 0;
    	//if cart total less or equal than $min_order, add extra fee
    	//$extra_fee_option_label = sprintf(__('%s Extra Charges <small>for purchase less than %s</small>','askoracle'),$this->current_gateway_title,woocommerce_price($this->current_extra_charge_min_amount));
    	$extra_fee_option_label = $extra_charges_msg;
    	if($extra_charge_min_amount>=$total || empty($extra_charge_min_amount)){
    		$woocommerce->cart->add_fee($extra_fee_option_label, $extra_charge, $extra_fee_option_taxable );				
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