• Somehow I screwed up the upgrade and have still been unable to get the information I need for the wp-config. I watched a couple of videos on You Tube someone had recommended but although I attempted to get the information I needed, no one at Yahoo was able or willing to provide me with anything but useless links.

    1. I installed WordPress and began blogging in it.
    2. I was being nagged to upgrade to version 2.7.1 by downloading, unzipping and re-writing the information in the wp-config file.
    3. I attempted the upgrade according to the “read me” file included.
    4. After that, I could only get “Database Error” messages.
    5. Was advised by Yahoo to install phpMyAdmin to deal with the problem.
    6. Now when I go to my blog address, all I get is phpMyAdmin.

    Please, someone help me. I have things in that blog I would like to retrieve. I already tried looking in the cache but it doesn’t have anything except a couple of pictures.

    Please someone email me some sort of info at [email protected] so I can retrieve my blog.

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  • and re-writing the information in the wp-config file.

    wherever you saw that, it’s dead wrong – that is one file you NEVER mess with on an upgrade – please post a link to the source

    Now when I go to my blog address, all I get is phpMyAdmin.

    then you installed it in the same folder as wordpress?
    delete that folder and reinstall it in it’s own folder – likephpmyadmin
    then access it with

    when it comes up, though it will ask for the user name and password – which will be what you had in wp-config.php
    if you remember these you can get database name from there
    also, it used to be the db connection was 1mysqland notlocalhost`

    Thread Starter leathermenace


    Sam, I am lost, totally. Any chance someone can log into my files and fix it or is there any way I can speak to someone on the phone to walk me through this? I am STILL trying to fix all this.

    The source was the “read me” file in the upgrade info.

    Please can you email me at [email protected] ? Now I can’t even log onto phpMyAdmin because I can’t remember the password & username. I’m about to go see if I can access that information on phpMyAdmin page.

    First get phpmyadmin out of your /blog directory. Find out what files are associated with it and delete them.

    Who is your hosting provider? They probably have phpmyadmin already installed and available for use from their account administration panel.

    I snooped and found this, I assume this is the error you were referring to: https://leathermenace.com/blog/wp-admin/

    This means that you entered your database information into your config.php file incorrectly. If you have a backup of your config.php, replace that with the current version. If you don’t, then go download wordpress to get a fresh config-sample file and edit that with your database information for that blog.

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