• Resolved maddaze


    I’ve just installed a copy of WP 4.1 running locally on my Win7 machine. When I add new JPGs to the Media Library, some get thumbnails and some don’t. An examination of the JPGs’ properties reveals no obvious differences. All plugins are unplugged, theme 2014. I’ve tried all the Add New media choices with the same results — a given JPG either gets a thumbnail or it doesn’t, no matter how added to the Media Library.

    When I publish a post with an image that has no thumbnail, no image appears in the resulting post, but there is a link with the image’s filename. When I click on the link, I get the msg: “NOT FOUND – It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?” with a search box below. On the other hand, an image with a thumbnail appears in the post as expected.

    What do I do to have thumbnails in the Media Library and the image in the post for all the JPGs?



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  • Hello maddaze,

    Hope you’re well! ??

    I got one blank thumbnail on my media library using the dummy images available here: https://dummy-image-generator.com/ . Tried it twice on two different install.

    Could you please share the images you try to upload on your install if you can so I can test it on my test site. Maybe it is has to do with the image itself.

    Please advise,

    Thread Starter maddaze


    Love to provide input and thanks for following up. I have two JPGs at Dropbox. The first link below points to one that WP consistently does not generate a thumbnail for. The second points to one that gets a thumbnail.

    I anxiously await an explanation.


    Hi Harvey,

    I hope you’re well today! I think the issue is just with the accent in the name of that first image. You could rename it like so for example:

    Leognan-Saint-Martin IMG_2224

    WordPress should be able to accept that name and generate a thumbnail then.

    Would that work for you?


    Thread Starter maddaze


    Thanks for getting back to me with a possible fix.

    > I think the issue is just with the accent in the name of that first image.

    With the process I’m developing, I’m not sure I can suppress the accents and will have to check. Why? I’m moving towards a process of automating the generation of posts and pages in WordPress from a MySQL database. Since I’m in France, everything is done in UTF8. I may not be able to do away with accents, since the photo filenames have accents. However, this raises serious questions about using WP for non-American alphabets. In what I’m doing, titles, text, tags, categories use accented characters. And I think you just told me that at least one function in WP doesn’t handle UTF8 gracefully. Am I going to discover that some other part of WP will fail when asked to deal with UTF8?

    What problems do French users of WP have?

    For whatever it’s worth, MediaWiki handles UTF8 properly, including in photo filesnames.

    Increasingly worried,

    Hi Harvey,

    Thanks for your reply and sorry if I didn’t clarify previously, I believe the issue is just that you’re using a Windows installation. I actually tested the image using a Linux install and it worked just fine, it was only on my Windows install where the issue occurred.

    The issue’s being discussed here:

    And more specifically regarding accent characters here:

    There’s a possible workaround discussed referencing this:

    So as a possible solution, you could try adding this to your theme’s functions.php file:

    add_filter('sanitize_file_name', 'remove_accents' );

    How would that work for you?


    Thread Starter maddaze


    Got it. I’ll do my homework and look for a solution. It’s kind of you to do the work to pull this info together.

    I cannot believe the number of hours I’ve spent/wasted trying to solve encoding problems with Windows, MS Office, MySQL and PHP. It IS too bad that it was the Anglo-Saxons who developed 1) the first successful computers and software and 2) the Internet. How much easier this part of our IT lives would be if ASCII and EBCDIC had never existed? <fake sob>

    To satisfy my idle curiosity, who is WPMU DEV Support Staff?


    Hi Harvey

    Thanks again for your reply. That line of code I referenced previously actually solved the issue in my own local install. Hoping that’ll take care of it for yourself as well.

    In this case it is a Windows specific thing, Windows’ server really should provide a way to handle this but that fix above should help for now.

    Oh and myself, Calvin and others are part of the WPMU DEV support team. We do our best to help out here in the public forums too. In case you’re interested, you’ll find out a bit more here:

    Hope that helps! ??


    Thread Starter maddaze



    Finally got down to it. Read thru your links in an earlier post and learned this is not a new problem. Damned Anglo-Saxons programmers who couldn’t think beyond the boundaries of their keyboards — although it’s good to keep in mind how expensive memory and storage were in the beginning. Doing two- and three-byte character sets was economically out of the question. Goodness knows, I contributed to the Year 2000 problem way back when — another problem created by financial needs as much as anything. End of rant.

    Thanks for the tip — it fixed the problem. The title of the photo has the accent — the photo’s URL does not. Nice workaround. I’m happy and so is WP.

    And bravo to WPMU DEV for investing in the community. It’s heartening to see enterprises giving back.


    Thread Starter maddaze


    Ooops! Just learning about child themes and why to not put fixes in my theme’s functions.php file. Is it sufficient to simply insert the add_filter line into an otherwise blank child functions.php file?


    Hey there Harvey,

    Hope you’re well! ??

    Is it sufficient to simply insert the add_filter line into an otherwise blank child functions.php file?

    Yes, I can’t see any problem with that ??

    I will let David know that his tip helped you a lot on this issue! ??

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter maddaze


    I suspected there wouldn’t be, but am still working on being comfortable modifying themes, so before I made the mod and tested it myself, I asked. Thanks for taking the time to reassure a newbie about WP development.

    I’ll mark this as resolved and offer a final thank you to the WP community in general and to WPMU DEV in particular for helping newcomers have a soft landing in WP World.


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