• Resolved Fabrizio Azzali


    After a post was grabbed from this rss
    I found some strange keywords added in the text of the new article that was not in the original: These are terms proposed:
    – disadvantage not
    – Erectile dysfunction
    – disadvantage


    Il video di Alemanno: “Ecco la mia risposta a Report”
    "Abbiamo dato mandato a querelare per diffamazione la trasmissione Report e per avere un risarcimento danni a livello civile sia per la nostra amministrazione sia per tutelare l'immagine della città che è stata gravemente offesa. Era tutta roba già vista, conosciuta, trita e ritrita, rimessa insieme con un chiaro intento ...


    <p align="justify"><img title="ale-manno.jpg" src="https://www.romanordnews.it/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ale-manno.jpg" alt="ale-manno.jpg" align="left" hspace="3" />&#8220Abbiamo dato mandato a querelare per diffamazione la trasmissione Report e per avere not risarcimento danni a livello civile sia per la nostra amministrazione sia per tutelare l&#8217immagine della città che è stata gravemente offesa. Era tutta roba già vista, conosciuta, trita e ritrita, rimessa insieme disadvantage not chiaro intento politico.&#8221 Così il sindaco Gianni Alemanno ' bollato oggi? il servizio di Milena Gabanelli accusando la Rai3 di manovra elettorale. Erectile dysfunction ecco il suo video disadvantage la replica. <a class="more-link" href="https://www.vignaclarablog.it/2013041522633/video-di-alemanno-ecco-la-mia-risposta-a-report/#more-22633">(more&#8230)</a></p>

    Wath appens?


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  • Plugin Contributor cyberseo


    CyberSyn is an open-source plugin. That means you can always check it by yourself and see that it does not contain any of these terms. Thus it can be caused because of:
    1) Your RSS feed does contain the <content> section which can be different to the <description> one.
    2) The RSS feed might be altered by its author when it was already syndicated to your blog.
    3) Your blog might be compromised (hacked).

    Thread Starter Fabrizio Azzali


    Hi CyberSeo
    I made a full check:
    1) The origin RSS feed contain the <content> section and the <description> section and is correctly readed from a lot of aggregator.
    2) I’m the author of the origin feed and I do not altered the feed. The feed is clean.
    3) My blogs Origin and Destination are not compromised.

    This are the terms replaced:
    un with not
    con with disadvantage
    ed with erectile dysfunction

    In addition. I’ve used others syndications plugin with same Origin and destination sites and I do not have this problems.

    Plugin Contributor cyberseo


    Do you use “The Best Spinner”? Once again the CyberSyn plugin doesn’t replace the words. So it can be anything else.

    Thread Starter Fabrizio Azzali


    No I don not use “The Best Spinner”.

    I undestood you when you told me that CyberSyn do not add anything.
    I t’m testing this plugin before buy one of the pro versions at

    But there is this problem.

    Plugin Contributor cyberseo


    You were right. There was a bug which forced the plugin to use “The Best Spinner” even if disabled. It’s fixed in version 3.02. Please update and sorry for inconvenience.

    Thread Starter Fabrizio Azzali


    Hi CyberSEO
    just upgraded to 3.02 and tested but seems problem not solved.

    The term ” ed ” “space+ed+space” became ” erectile disfunction “

    Look at here

    May be the upgrade, made form the Plugin page of the dashboard, was not correct?

    And also new term added after the the more tag: 888011000110888

    Plugin Contributor cyberseo


    No. I’ve just pulled your feed on my test blog and didn’t found such phrase at all (all ” ed ” terms at their own places). Perhaps you forgot to disable The Best Spinner, or you forgot to delete the old posts.

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