I’m having some following problems, hope you can look into it and help.
Report not working, my website has 1000+ Custom Post Type posts, I hope it’s not too big. I disabled all Plugins & Themes, but the report is still blank when the process is done running.
When check with: Use object cache for tree storage, when it’s available. I use Redis cache, when choosing this function, the warm creation process does not work.
I want to delete some pages with the following parameter: for example domain.com/user/dashboard… I ignore it with the cache plugin with /user/(.) . But when adding Cache Warmer it doesn’t work. Is the /(.) parameter used wrong?
Is it possible to update more User-Agent in the future?. To be able to warm both PC and Mobile.
No, 1k of pages is not a lot. Let’s go over the points one by one:
Report not working: might be related to the issue with the tables you know about. I will implement a more robust tables creation logic this month, hopefully that will help. But you can provide me with more info, and I will try to investigate:
Is anything shown in the “Logs” tab for this warm-up or it’s also also empty?
Is anything shown in the summary? If it looks like the below screenshot, that might mean the warming didn’t even start. It’s scheduled with Action Scheduler, and can be seen on this page: Tools > Scheduled Actions > Pending (tab) (URL: /wp-admin/tools.php?page=action-scheduler&status=pending), it’s called ‘cache_warmer_process’. You can try to hover over it and click on ‘run’. That might help in case you have some issues with Action Scheduler. Or if it’s failed, then it will be in the “Failed” tab with the error description, you can check that one also.
You can copy the debug data, and send to me (via email or here).
Does not work with Redis Cache and use object cache setting enabled: I also have Redis Cache, and warmings work with this option enabled for me. Maybe it’s related to the previous issue you mentioned? You can also send to me the debug data for this one, and check Action Scheduler — I will take a look.
Exclude a page: For pages exclusion there are two modes: by substring match, and by RegEx. By default it’s by substring, but if you check the checkbox, then it will be by RegEx.
So the one you provided “/user/(.)“ is certainly a regex, and not a substring, so you should enable this checkbox. If you want to go with plaintext, then just use “domain.com/user/“. If you want to go with regex — stick with “/user/(.)” or try “domain\.com/user/*” (which is more specific). I use this site to test regular expressions.
User-Agents: I didn’t understand this one. What is your idea? To have several user agents specified at the same time (instead of the current limit of 1), and warm with all of them? Like: first visit with desktop UA, then with mobile UA?
P.S. If you want, you can ask my by email or give me your messanger (Skype / Telegram), and I can take a closer look at your site to figure out why the errors you encountered were happenning. But of course you can also respond here, and I will be happy to help ??