• HI Admin
    Sorry I couldn’t name my problem.
    I am not very professional in website and I am new and need your help.
    I was checking the plugin in a page for test
    I have 2 problems now:
    1- when I fill the contact form and click download just appears the title of the ebook as a link work under the bottom.
    what should I do that open a new tab and the ebook displays on that?
    2- I can just download in chrome, not firefox. is this a problem?
    could you please check this link by your own and see if you can download it or not?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by monica2017.
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  • Thread Starter monica2017


    Sorry forgot to put the link for your check

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by monica2017.

    It looks like everything is working ok. I had no problems filling in the form and getting the pdf with either Chrome or Firefox.

    The way EBD works when in ‘inline’ or ‘both’ mode is that the website visitor fills in the form and hits Submit. A link to the download file then appears beneath the Submit button (the link text is taken from the “Title” field for that file in Download Monitor). That is what you’re seeing and that is normal. EBD does not, and does not have the option to, immediately download the file to the user when the user hits submit on the form. It just does that link to the download. Or, multiple links if you’ve set it up for multiple downloads (the checkbox stuff). Or, it doesn’t display a link at all and instead emails the visitor a link (and possibly an attachment) if you select ’email’ or ‘both’ in the EBD settings.

    Thus, it’s working as designed, but it sounds like you wanted it to immediately download the file when the user hit Submit, which it doesn’t do.

    Thread Starter monica2017


    Thanks Dtynan,
    I can’t download from firefox but I saw you did it and probably it is my problem.
    Could you please tell me how can I export the list of downloads?

    The export feature is at the top of the EBD Settings page.

    I’m not sure why Firefox isn’t downloading for you. Hard to say since it works for me. I suggest you try checking the “Hide/Mask” option in the EBD Settings and trying again. That will change the way EBD tries to deliver the file to the browser, which may cause it to work (or may not). It will also probably cause it to display the PDF inside the Firefox window rather than popping up a download/filesave window (assuming you have a PDF viewer plugin, of course). That may not be the behavior you want, but it’s worth a quick test to see if the problem goes away or not.

    Also, you could try to access the pdf file via its Download Monitor URL using Firefox and see if that works. EBD is not involved in this test — just Download Monitor. To try this, just go Edit your PDF download in Download Monitor so that you can get to the download’s detail page for your pdf. Then over on the right side of the screen, kinda near the top-right, you’ll see a field for a URL. Grab that URL and paste it into a Firefox and see it can download the file. (The URL is gonna be something like https://comelite-arch.com/downloads/313 or something like that .. that’s just a made up example, but it’ll be something similar).

    Thread Starter monica2017


    Really thanks for your patient response.
    I tried to access the pdf file via its Download Monitor URL using Firefox and it worked. I mean I pasted it and file downloaded.
    and I tiked the hide/mask check box.
    but honestly I didn’t understand your second point
    With these changes, I can’t download till now.
    please check this part of page setup. maybe I have a mistake here
    and please let me know to leave the hide/mask check box with tik or no?

    I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure what you mean when you said “With these changes, I can’t download till now”. Does that mean that your Firefox is now working correctly or are you still having problems with it? (I know it can download the PDF directly using the Download Monitor URL .. that’s good .. but I couldn’t tell from that sentence if you’re saying it now works or if it’s still not working [when going through the normal process of filling in the form, etc])

    If you mean Firefox is still not working right…. can you describe the problem? Like what exactly happens when you click on the link while running Firefox?

    Have you tried clearing your Firefox cache & trying again? Do that if you haven’t already. I don’t think that will fix it, but it might. Also, if you are using any wordpress caching plugins then you might want to clear that cache also.

    Your Download Monitor screenshot of the download file settings looks fine. I guess it’s possible that checking “Featured Download” might mess things up somehow, but I doubt it since my Firefox works just fine.

    On the ‘second point’, what I mean is that when you click on a link to a PDF file the browser might give you a File/Save dialog like https://prnt.sc/e8xln5 or it might just go ahead and download the PDF and display the PDF in the browser window like https://prnt.sc/e8xlst

    If you leave “hide/mask” unchecked then web browsers are almost always going to give the File/Save dialog window and the person can then save the file locally or maybe launch the Acrobat Reader or whatever.

    If you check “hide/mask” then the browser makes the decision as to what to do. It might show the File/Save dialog if you don’t have the ability to display a PDF in your browser or in an external program (like the Acrobat Reader). But, that’s very rare. In most cases, it’s going to display the PDF in the person’s browser window (or possibly in another window if Acrobat Reader runs or something like that).

    So, “hide/mask” controls that behavior … at least most of the time. In some cases, EBD may get confused where it gets the wrong value in the database and then it’s like you change settings and nothing changes. Sometimes, you can get things broken and then you can’t ever seem to get them working again, no matter what settings you try. That may be what you’ve run into here (though, again, it works for me, so this seems unlikely). Anyway, whenever things are just weird and don’t work right and there’s no obvious solution, it’s usually worth it to Add a new download in Download Monitor (but point at your same download file). The purpose of that is to get a new download_id. Then, go edit your page and change your shortcode so that it uses the new download_id. This will cause EBD to NOT read its values from the database (since something is there messed up) and instead create a new set of values in the database (which usually fixes things).

    Thread Starter monica2017


    I really don’t know how to appreciate your effort to help me.
    Actually, my firefox is not working correctly till now but I asked my colleagues to download the file from firefox and all of them can do it same as you.
    SO it is just my problem and it is not so important. however, I have cleared my cash.
    as you can see in the photo when I press the download button it keeps turning around.
    Anyway, I get your point about the hide/mask. but in this case when I download a free ebook from other sites it displays in the browser but about mine pdf, it shows the dialog box… I prefer to display the file because maybe some of our visitors don’t see the little title: https://prntscr.com/e9thhq
    I must thanks you again.
    And I will put the final pdf in few day and hope we won’t face any problem.

    Ok, I tried your site again with both Firefox and Chrome and the PDF displayed in the browser (rather than getting a File Save box), which I think is what you want.

    Remember that when the user fills in the form & hits the button it is always going to display that little link and the user will have to click that link and THEN he gets the PDF file (displayed in the browser). EBD does not have the ability to immediately display the PDF when the user submits the form — it must display a link to the PDF that the user must then click.

    So, you might want to consider some minor styling changes to make things more user friendly:

    First, you might want to change the text on the button on your form. Currently it is “Download eBook”, but that’s not actually what happens when they click it .. when they click “Download eBook” that will cause that “Office” link to show up and they’ll have to click that and then the ebook PDF will download & display in the browser. So, I think you might want to change that text to be something else so it’s less confusing. “Submit form” or just “Submit” or “Submit to get eBook” or “Get eBook” or something like that may be less confusing for people. When someone clicks on something that says “Download”, they usually expect to get the file right away, not to have to click on another link.

    Second, you could change the Title of your file from “Office” to “Download eBook” or to “Click Here to Download eBook” or something like that. You would do that in Download Monitor (edit the download and change “office” to whatever you want). That way, when the link shows up it will be more obvious that the user should click it and what will happen when he clicks it.

    Third, you might want to remove that message that appears with the green box around it. I think it says “Thank you for your message. It has been sent”. That message doesn’t make much sense really, so getting rid of it might make things better. You can make it not display by adding CSS. Hopefully you know how to add CSS (latest wordpress versions have a way in the customize menu to add custom css, some themes also have an option in their menus, etc). This is what you would add in order to make that green box & message not display:

    div.wpcf7-mail-sent-ok { display: none !important; }

    Fourth, in order to make the little link stand out even more (I’m talking about the link that currently says “office”), you could style it with some more CSS. You might style it to look more like a button, for example. Here is some CSS that does that .. you would probably want to modify this to change colors or font size or whatever, but this should get you started:

    a.icon-button.download-icon {
        border: 2px solid #35BA32;
        background-color: #009900;
        color: #ffffff;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-size: 120%;
        text-decoration: none;
        margin-top: 10px;
        padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px;
        display: inline-block;
    a.icon-button.download-icon:hover {
        background-color: #ffffff;
        border-color: #0000ff
        color: #000000;
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by dtynan.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by dtynan.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by dtynan.
    Thread Starter monica2017


    Thanks, admin.
    let me change whatever you told me and inform you about the result.

    Just to be clear, those are just suggestions. It’s your page, you make it how you’d like it. I’m just suggesting things that might make things clearer for your website visitors. Good luck! ??

    Thread Starter monica2017


    Yes, I needed your suggestions and now you can see what I have done.
    thanks for your all helps.

    I think it looks great. Makes sense, user-friendly. Nice work.

    Thread Starter monica2017


    Hi Admin,
    please let me know is it possible that I have the topics in my contact form in the excel file that I can export. I mean if my visitors write their country and phone number, could I have this information in the exported file too?

    EBD export is hardcoded for certain fields, so only those fields will show up as column headers in the excel file (in the csv file). It’s not flexible enough to handle your extra fields in the same way it handles the fields that it is hardcoded for (like your-email, your-name, etc). However, there is one field called “posted_data” that actually contains all of the fields that were submitted when the user clicked on the submit button on the form. So, that would include any extra fields you added to your form. All of that data is smushed into that one field as a big blob of XML. So, theoretically, you can get at that data by parsing that XML. You would probably need a script of some type to do that or it may be possible with some programming inside Excel (not sure). No matter what though, you’ll need some sort of programming of some type to get at it….

    Alternatively, you can get at the data using some method other than the EBD export feature. I have seen posts from some people who use either the Contact Form DB plugin or the Flamingo plugin in order to get all the CF7 form field data stored into a database that they can access somehow. I’ve never used either of those plugins, so you’re on your own on how to do it….

    Good luck

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