Some permalinks not working
Nearly all my permalinks work correctly, but on some pages one link in particular results in a 404 error. Site is, theme is a child of Colorlib’s Sparkling.
For example, under the “Sell to us (postage stamps, 1900-1929)” menu, select the “1916-22 Washington … (486-497)” item and then click on the yellow stamp numbered 497. On the next screen (with the prices), the “Up” link at the bottom takes you back to the previous page – which is as it should work. The html for the link reads :
<td><a href=" Washington-Franklins (Unwatermarked, coil, perf 10)/">Up</a></td>
And the address bar shows : “”If however on the same menu you select the “1916-19 Washington … (498-518b)” item and then click on the green stamp 498, its “Up” link gives the 404 error (as trapped by the theme). The html for the link reads :
<td><a href=" Washington-Franklins (Unwatermarked, perf 11)/">Up</a></td>
The address bar shows : “,%20perf%2011)/”Why has the address not been properly formed in the second case (%20 should have been replaced by -) ?
The number of pages has just reached and exceeded 1000/1024 – could that have anything to do with it ?
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