Some pages wiped in database backup
I just had a quite alarming experience on two sites using the free edition of UpdraftPlus. I needed to restore database backups from earlier today. Once I restored the backups, I found to my dismay that certain Pages were blank after the restoration was complete — their contents had been wiped. It wasn’t all pages, but it was some of them, including, to my dismay, the privacy policy pages! (Fortunately, I had offline copies of the HTML for those pages, so I was able to restore them that way.)
I have no idea why this would have happened, but it was obviously a shock, and a potentially disastrous one. Those pages were definitely not blank prior to the restoration, nor were they blank when the backup files I restored were taken earlier today!
ETA: By “blank,” I mean the pages were still there, their titles were intact, but their contents were completely gone.
Does anyone have any idea why this might have occurred and what I can do to prevent it happening again?
For reference, this is on Version 1.16.34, using the latest WordPress 5.5.3.
This topic was modified 4 years ago by
Ate Up With Motor.
This topic was modified 4 years ago by
To help us work out the cause of your problem, can you please send us a copy of the restoration log?
You can find this log in the ‘wp-content/updraft’ directory of your site via FTP.
You can send the log file and copy the contents into an online tool (such as )Best Wishes,
BryleThis is the log from the initial restore on one site. I’ve redacted the database prefix, as I’ve modified that for security reasons.
0000.011 () Opened log file at time: Wed, 11 Nov 2020 21:19:14 +0000 on 0000.011 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.34 WP: 5.5.3 PHP: 7.4.11 (cgi-fcgi, Linux cactus 4.14.117-grsec-grsec+ #1 SMP Sat May 11 00:40:24 UTC 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.28-log WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 45.8M | 4M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 mcrypt: N LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y 0000.012 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 409042.2 MB 0000.003 () Opened log file at time: Wed, 11 Nov 2020 21:19:15 +0000 on 0000.003 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.34 WP: 5.5.3 PHP: 7.4.11 (cgi-fcgi, Linux cactus 4.14.117-grsec-grsec+ #1 SMP Sat May 11 00:40:24 UTC 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.28-log WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 41.9M | 8M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 mcrypt: N LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y 0000.003 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 409041.9 MB 0000.022 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore 0000.039 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
0000.051 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["[REDACTED]_options","[REDACTED]_users","[REDACTED]_usermeta","[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions","[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims","[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups","[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs","[REDACTED]_commentmeta","[REDACTED]_comments","[REDACTED]_itsec_bans","[REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage","[REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints","[REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache","[REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts","[REDACTED]_itsec_logs","[REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes","[REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens","[REDACTED]_itsec_temp","[REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups","[REDACTED]_links","[REDACTED]_postmeta","[REDACTED]_posts","[REDACTED]_term_relationships","[REDACTED]_term_taxonomy","[REDACTED]_termmeta","[REDACTED]_terms","[REDACTED]_redirection_404","[REDACTED]_redirection_groups","[REDACTED]_redirection_items","[REDACTED]_redirection_logs","[REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta","[REDACTED]_tm_tasks","[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries","[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields","[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms","[REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta","[REDACTED]_yoast_indexable","[REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy","[REDACTED]_yoast_migrations","[REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term","[REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links","[REDACTED]_yoast_seo_meta"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1} 0000.075 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup 0000.077 () Entity: db 0000.077 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2020-11-11-0801_6200_Productions_a8de15751c4c-db.gz, type=db, info=a:0:{}, last_one=1) 0000.077 () Unpacking backup... (backup_2020-11-11-0801_6200_Productions_a8de15751c4c-db.gz, 0.6 Mb) 0000.087 () Database successfully unpacked 0000.087 () Restoring the database (on a large site this can take a long time - if it times out (which can happen if your web hosting company has configured your hosting to limit resources) then you should use a different method, such as phpMyAdmin)... 0000.088 () Using direct MySQL access; value of use_mysqli is: 1 0000.088 () SQL compatibility mode is: NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION 0000.121 () Tried to raise max_allowed_packet from 16 MB to 32 MB, but failed (Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation, b:0;) 0000.121 () Max packet size: 16 MB 0000.121 () Entering maintenance mode 0000.121 () Enabling Maintenance mode… 0000.134 () Backup of: 0000.135 () Content URL: 0000.136 () Uploads URL: 0000.136 () Old table prefix: [REDACTED]_ 0000.136 () Site information: multisite=0 0000.136 () Site information: sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION 0000.138 () New table prefix: [REDACTED]_ 0000.149 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_options 0000.201 () Restoring prior UD configuration (table: [REDACTED]_options; keys: 4) 0000.213 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_users 0000.221 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_usermeta 0000.233 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions 0000.256 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims 0000.264 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups 0000.275 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs 0000.289 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_commentmeta 0000.301 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_comments 0000.307 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_bans 0000.352 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage 0000.740 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints 0000.748 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache 0000.763 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts 0000.769 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_logs 0000.784 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes 0000.793 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens 0000.800 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_itsec_temp 0000.805 () Database queries processed: 50 in 0.71 seconds 0000.806 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups 0000.837 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_links 0000.844 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_postmeta 0000.863 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_posts 0000.921 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_term_relationships 0000.925 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_term_taxonomy 0000.939 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_termmeta 0000.952 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_terms 0000.971 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_404 0000.974 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_groups 0000.983 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_items 0000.989 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_logs 0001.020 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta 0001.029 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_tm_tasks 0001.038 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries 0001.045 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields 0001.055 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms 0001.065 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta 0001.074 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable 0001.137 () Database queries processed: 100 in 1.05 seconds 0001.138 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy 0001.147 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_migrations 0001.159 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term 0001.168 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links 0001.218 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_meta 0001.731 () Unlocking database and leaving maintenance mode 0001.731 () Disabling Maintenance mode… 0001.731 () Finished: lines processed: 133 in 1.64 seconds 0001.732 () Cleaning up rubbish... 0001.776 () Clearing cached pages (WP Super Cache)... 0001.819 () Restore successful! 0001.819 () Restore successful
The only thing I can see that looks like an error is this:
0000.121 () Tried to raise max_allowed_packet from 16 MB to 32 MB, but failed (Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation, b:0;)
It did restore the posts and postmeta tables, but some of the post_content fields returned empty.
The ‘max_allowed_packet’ message is not a fatal error, and is considered normal. UpdraftPlus attempts to raise this, but will continue regardless.
Do you use any page builders or plugins that are connected to creating your contents? If so then it may help also restoring the plugins component and see if that helps resolve.
BryleThe only thing I can think of is the Disable Gutenberg plugin, which I think was just updated the other day. (I don’t use the block editor, and this mess validated that decision; if I used Gutenberg, fixing the pages would have been a day-long nightmare rather than a half-hour inconvenience.)
Is the content you mention in the backup file? The backup file is just standard SQL. After decompressing it, you can open it in any text editor and do a text search for phrases that are in your page content. If they are there, then it’s reasonably likely that it is also “still there” in the restored site (i.e. still in the database), but that some other component on your site has got involved.
The specific backup files I restored are no longer available (they roll over pretty frequently and I stupidly didn’t think to save an extra copy locally, since I was preoccupied with fixing the blank pages), but the content of those pages is definitely present in subsequent database backups.
I don’t know that the plugin conflict theory makes sense. I could see the cursed Gutenberg editor causing problems like that, but I don’t use it; I have the Disable Gutenberg plugin. I don’t use other plugins that do anything with post editing (I actually usually compose posts and pages in Notepad++ offline and then paste them into the HTML view in WordPress). Some other considerations:
- The affected pages’ titles, slug, and metadata remained — the pages were not deleted — but their post_content was completely empty.
- The lost content was only certain pages. It wasn’t ALL pages, and I don’t believe any posts were affected.
- There was no discernible pattern to which pages were affected. The privacy policy page was affected, but so were some others, of wildly varying length and ages. The privacy policy page is very long and complex and had just been updated earlier that day, but some of the other pages that were wiped were just a few sentences and hadn’t been updated in over two years.
- It happened on two sites that use different themes, which suggests that it’s unlikely to have been a theme conflict.
The main thing that supports the idea of a conflict or bug is that this happened on multiple sites at the same time, involving restoration from backups made at about the same time (minutes apart).
I don’t know. It’s perplexing!
> ” but the content of those pages is definitely present in subsequent database backups. ”
This part seems particularly interesting. The data *is* present in subsequent database backups… is that “subsequent to restoring” (i.e. they’re on backups currently being produced) or “subsequent to the backup I used to restore” (i.e. the data isn’t on the site, but is in the backups) ??
If you focus on one specific post ID that has missing content, then a) is that content in the database in the post_content field? b) is that content in any backup you have access to? (The post ID is the first parameter in the backup SQL for each row).
Sorry for the confusion — let me see if I can explain better.
I don’t use Gutenberg (for which I’m currently thanking my lucky stars) and don’t really trust the post editor, so I generally compose and edit content offline in Notepad++ and then paste the HTML into the Classic Editor’s HTML window. For this reason, I have offline copies of the HTML of most content, entirely separate from UpdraftPlus or any other backup plugin.
When I discovered that some page content had been lost in the restoration, I manually restored several of those pages from those offline copies. Realizing the problem was more extensive than I initially realized, I tried again to restore the database from the same set of database backups (which were the earliest I possessed at that time). This recreated the problem, including wiping the pages I had manually restored.
For this reason, I would surmise that for some unknown reason, those fields were missing in those backup files. The files from which I ran the restore are no longer available (UpdraftPlus only retains a specific number of backups at a time, so they roll over pretty quickly, and I didn’t have the presence of mind to separately retain them), so I can’t double-check, but it’s the most plausible explanation for the behavior I experienced.
After realizing the problem still existed, I went through all the pages on each site and used my offline files to replace the missing content as quickly as I could. (Since the pages wiped included the privacy policies for those sites, this was a critical priority, and I wasn’t about to leave them blank!) After restoring all the empty pages in this manner, I took fresh database backups, and have taken more since the original incident.
After I saw your reply yesterday, I did download a couple of those subsequent backups, de-compress them, and check to see if the post_content was present for the privacy policy page, since that was one of the pages affected on each of the sites where this happened. I confirmed that the content for those pages was indeed present in at least several of the backups taken yesterday. (I didn’t have time to review each of them individually, but I checked a sampling.)
However, I don’t know what will happen if I need to restore again. Given the severity of the problem, I am reluctant to experiment, since fixing the vanished content from my offline backups was a significant, time-consuming hassle (and would have been an absolute nightmare if I hadn’t had those).
When you checked the backup file – (“I confirmed that the content for those pages was indeed present in at least several of the backups taken yesterday.”) – did you confirm that you were checking the correct post ID? I ask this because it’s an important detail. WordPress stores “auto-drafts” in the database, each of which has its own post ID, and so the database (and thus the backup) can contain several copies of the same text.
So, searching just for the text is not sufficient to confirm that the specific post really is in the database backup; you have to check the ID too to make sure it is the live post, and not an auto-draft.
If the data is in the backup file, that could mean a restore problem – but you didn’t see any errors on restore, so that makes it unlikely (restoring is just a process of running all the SQL commands in the backup file – UD has little knowledge of what the commands actually are, and hence doesn’t do any interpreting of them; it just sends them to the SQL server; this means there’s not much scope of unexpected surprises, as since the code is fairly simple it rarely gets touched). On the other hand, if the data isn’t in the backup file, then that could either mean 1) it was in the database, but didn’t make it to the backup or 2) it wasn’t in the database (maybe your MySQL server experienced a corruption event and lost data). This is quite hard to debug if there aren’t backup files going further back into history, to examine it.
I probably haven’t said much helpful there. At this point, there’s not a lot of solid data to go on to be able to narrow it down.
The backups I examined were all taken after manually deleting auto-drafts and post revisions (with WP-Optimize), and so I’m reasonably sure I was looking at the correct posts.
The possibility that it was a database error would be plausible except that I experienced the same behavior on more than one site. I could see a freak corruption event affecting a random selection of pages on one site (I’m on shared hosting, so lags and time-outs are not uncommon), but for more than one site to experience the same problem due to a freak glitch seems less probable.
I might have to try it again and see if the problem recurs. I’m loath to do that because if it does recur, it will involve a lot of fussy hassle, but obviously, if for some reason I can’t trust the database backups, that is a hassle in itself.
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
Ate Up With Motor.
If the data is in the backup, then it seems you can trust the backup process… the question is then what happened next. In between the backup, and seeing the content in the WP editor, there are various things that could go wrong.
Do you not possess *any* backup sets now that have manifested this problem? They’ve all been deleted? If there is one still around, I’d be very glad to test it.
Is there anything else all your sites have in common? Same MySQL server on the backend?
Well, I haven’t tried to run another restore since the incident, so I can’t say definitively.
The sites are on the same shared hosting plan; whether they’re on the same box or not is difficult to say, since that’s something that comes down to how my web host’s servers are balancing their loads at any given moment. (I would say “at least sometimes, but not necessarily all the time.”) The sites do use a lot of the same plugins, including Disable Gutenberg. I asked the developers of the latter about this (see this thread), but they couldn’t see why it would do that.
Because I draft and edit posts and pages offline for the most part, I don’t think any of my plugins manipulate post content beyond whatever HTML the Classic Editor strips as part of its code sanitation.
The only thing I can think to do is try a restore again and see what happens. I can’t do that until I can block out at least two hours to fix the problem again if it recurs the way it did on Wednesday. (Fixing it required going through each post and page and manually replacing missing content from offline text files, so it was a hassle even though not all pages were affected.)
If you’re happy to share the backup set with me, I can restore them onto a test setup. If you suspect there’s a problem, I wouldn’t recommend restoring them on your live website. Or, perhaps your own host lets you set up temporary sites? All that’s needed is the identity of one specific post that doesn’t restore correctly.
I tried a restore again on the least-trafficked of the affected sites, using a database backup I made earlier today. The same behavior recurred: Of the site’s 11 pages, seven had their post_content erased in the restoration. I downloaded and checked the backup file, and the post_content for those posts is present in the set; that content appears to have been backed up, but was lost in the restoration.
Here is the log for the backup set:
0000.009 (0) Opened log file at time: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 18:14:37 +0000 on 0000.010 (0) UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.34 WP: 5.5.3 PHP: 7.4.11 (cgi-fcgi, Linux cactus 4.14.117-grsec-grsec+ #1 SMP Sat May 11 00:40:24 UTC 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.28-log WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 42.2M | 4M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 mcrypt: N LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y 0000.011 (0) Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 406594.8 MB 0000.015 (0) Tasks: Backup files: 0 (schedule: daily) Backup DB: 1 (schedule: twicedaily) 0000.030 (0) Requesting semaphore lock (d) (apparently not via scheduler) 0000.032 (0) Set semaphore last lock (d) time to 2020-11-14 18:14:37 0000.033 (0) Semaphore lock (d) complete 0000.036 (0) Backup run: resumption=0, nonce=1a4eccc81dce, file_nonce=1a4eccc81dce begun at=1605377677 (0s ago), job type=backup 0000.038 (0) Scheduling a resumption (1) after 300 seconds (1605377977) in case this run gets aborted 0000.084 (0) This backup run is not intended for files - skipping 0000.086 (0) Beginning creation of database dump (WordPress DB) 0000.088 (0) SQL compatibility mode is: NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION 0000.098 (0) Testing potential mysqldump binary: /usr/bin/mysqldump 0000.260 (0) Output: /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;\n/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;\n/*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */;\n/*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */;\n/*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */;\n/*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS <code>[REDACTED]_options</code>;\n/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;\n/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 (truncated - 1150 bytes total) 0000.264 (0) Working binary mysqldump found: /usr/bin/mysqldump 0000.290 (0) Table [REDACTED]_options: Total expected rows (approximate): 705 0000.316 (0) Table [REDACTED]_options: Rows added in this batch (next record: 323389): 695 in 0.02 seconds 0000.329 (0) Table [REDACTED]_options: finishing file(s) (2, 45.6 KB) 0000.340 (0) Table [REDACTED]_users: Total expected rows (approximate): 1 0000.343 (0) Table [REDACTED]_users: Rows added in this batch (next record: 2): 1 in 0.00 seconds 0000.354 (0) Table [REDACTED]_users: finishing file(s) (2, 0.6 KB) 0000.365 (0) Table [REDACTED]_usermeta: Total expected rows (approximate): 98 0000.369 (0) Table [REDACTED]_usermeta: Rows added in this batch (next record: 10541): 98 in 0.00 seconds 0000.380 (0) Table [REDACTED]_usermeta: finishing file(s) (2, 7.2 KB) 0000.395 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.398 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.410 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB) 0000.421 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.424 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.434 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.445 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups: Total expected rows (approximate): 1 0000.448 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1): 1 in 0.00 seconds 0000.487 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.498 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.501 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.512 (0) Table [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.523 (0) Table [REDACTED]_commentmeta: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.526 (0) Table [REDACTED]_commentmeta: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.537 (0) Table [REDACTED]_commentmeta: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.548 (0) Table [REDACTED]_comments: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.551 (0) Table [REDACTED]_comments: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.562 (0) Table [REDACTED]_comments: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB) 0000.573 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_bans: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.576 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_bans: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.587 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_bans: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.598 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage: Total expected rows (approximate): 5 0000.687 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage: Rows added in this batch (next record: 12167): 5 in 0.09 seconds 0000.701 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage: finishing file(s) (2, 259.1 KB) 0000.713 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.717 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.729 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.740 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.743 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.755 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.765 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.768 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.779 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.791 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_logs: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.795 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_logs: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.807 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_logs: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB) 0000.817 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.820 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.831 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes: finishing file(s) (2, 0.3 KB) 0000.841 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.843 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens: Rows added in this batch (next record: 0): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.854 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens: finishing file(s) (2, 0.3 KB) 0000.865 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_temp: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.869 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_temp: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.882 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_temp: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.894 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups: Total expected rows (approximate): 5 0000.899 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1000): 5 in 0.00 seconds 0000.911 (0) Table [REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups: finishing file(s) (2, 0.6 KB) 0000.922 (0) Table [REDACTED]_links: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0000.926 (0) Table [REDACTED]_links: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0000.937 (0) Table [REDACTED]_links: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0000.947 (0) Table [REDACTED]_postmeta: Total expected rows (approximate): 263 0000.954 (0) Table [REDACTED]_postmeta: Rows added in this batch (next record: 219585): 263 in 0.01 seconds 0000.966 (0) Table [REDACTED]_postmeta: finishing file(s) (2, 9 KB) 0000.976 (0) Table [REDACTED]_posts: Total expected rows (approximate): 44 0001.071 (0) Table [REDACTED]_posts: Rows added in this batch (next record: 32431): 44 in 0.09 seconds 0001.084 (0) Table [REDACTED]_posts: finishing file(s) (2, 222.1 KB) 0001.095 (0) Table [REDACTED]_term_relationships: Total expected rows (approximate): 33 0001.098 (0) Table [REDACTED]_term_relationships: Rows added in this batch (next record: 5): 33 in 0.00 seconds 0001.109 (0) Table [REDACTED]_term_relationships: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB) 0001.120 (0) Table [REDACTED]_term_taxonomy: Total expected rows (approximate): 5 0001.123 (0) Table [REDACTED]_term_taxonomy: Rows added in this batch (next record: 5): 5 in 0.00 seconds 0001.134 (0) Table [REDACTED]_term_taxonomy: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB) 0001.145 (0) Table [REDACTED]_termmeta: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0001.147 (0) Table [REDACTED]_termmeta: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0001.158 (0) Table [REDACTED]_termmeta: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0001.168 (0) Table [REDACTED]_terms: Total expected rows (approximate): 5 0001.171 (0) Table [REDACTED]_terms: Rows added in this batch (next record: 5): 5 in 0.00 seconds 0001.182 (0) Table [REDACTED]_terms: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB) 0001.192 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_404: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0001.195 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_404: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0001.206 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_404: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0001.216 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_groups: Total expected rows (approximate): 2 0001.219 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_groups: Rows added in this batch (next record: 2): 2 in 0.00 seconds 0001.230 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_groups: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0001.241 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_items: Total expected rows (approximate): 2 0001.244 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_items: Rows added in this batch (next record: 2): 2 in 0.00 seconds 0001.255 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_items: finishing file(s) (2, 0.7 KB) 0001.266 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_logs: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0001.268 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_logs: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0001.279 (0) Table [REDACTED]_redirection_logs: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB) 0001.289 (0) Table [REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0001.292 (0) Table [REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0001.304 (0) Table [REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0001.314 (0) Table [REDACTED]_tm_tasks: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0001.317 (0) Table [REDACTED]_tm_tasks: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0001.328 (0) Table [REDACTED]_tm_tasks: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0001.338 (0) Table [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0001.342 (0) Table [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0001.353 (0) Table [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0001.363 (0) Table [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields: Total expected rows (approximate): 12 0001.367 (0) Table [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields: Rows added in this batch (next record: 12): 12 in 0.00 seconds 0001.379 (0) Table [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields: finishing file(s) (2, 1.9 KB) 0001.389 (0) Table [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms: Total expected rows (approximate): 1 0001.394 (0) Table [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1): 1 in 0.00 seconds 0001.405 (0) Table [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms: finishing file(s) (2, 1 KB) 0001.415 (0) Table [REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0001.418 (0) Table [REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0001.429 (0) Table [REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta: finishing file(s) (2, 0.3 KB) 0001.440 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable: Total expected rows (approximate): 412 0001.465 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable: Rows added in this batch (next record: 442): 412 in 0.02 seconds 0001.477 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable: finishing file(s) (2, 10.3 KB) 0001.488 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0001.491 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0001.502 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0001.512 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_migrations: Total expected rows (approximate): 18 0001.516 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_migrations: Rows added in this batch (next record: 18): 18 in 0.00 seconds 0001.527 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_migrations: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB) 0001.537 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term: Total expected rows (approximate): 0 0001.540 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 in 0.00 seconds 0001.552 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB) 0001.563 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links: Total expected rows (approximate): 547 0001.589 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links: Rows added in this batch (next record: 370278): 547 in 0.03 seconds 0001.601 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links: finishing file(s) (2, 7.7 KB) 0001.612 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_meta: Total expected rows (approximate): 31598 0001.828 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_meta: binary mysqldump finished (writes: 29) in 0.22 seconds 0001.832 (0) Table [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_meta: finishing file(s) (1, 73.5 KB) 0001.843 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_options.table.tmpr323390.gz (1/42): adding to final database dump 0001.856 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_options.table.gz (2/42): adding to final database dump 0001.857 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_users.table.tmpr3.gz (3/42): adding to final database dump 0001.858 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_users.table.gz (4/42): adding to final database dump 0001.859 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_usermeta.table.tmpr10542.gz (5/42): adding to final database dump 0001.861 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_usermeta.table.gz (6/42): adding to final database dump 0001.862 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions.table.tmpr0.gz (7/42): adding to final database dump 0001.863 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions.table.gz (8/42): adding to final database dump 0001.864 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims.table.tmpr0.gz (9/42): adding to final database dump 0001.865 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims.table.gz (10/42): adding to final database dump 0001.866 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups.table.tmpr2.gz (11/42): adding to final database dump 0001.867 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups.table.gz (12/42): adding to final database dump 0001.868 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs.table.tmpr0.gz (13/42): adding to final database dump 0001.869 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs.table.gz (14/42): adding to final database dump 0001.870 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_commentmeta.table.tmpr0.gz (15/42): adding to final database dump 0001.872 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_commentmeta.table.gz (16/42): adding to final database dump 0001.873 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_comments.table.tmpr0.gz (17/42): adding to final database dump 0001.873 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_comments.table.gz (18/42): adding to final database dump 0001.874 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_bans.table.tmpr0.gz (19/42): adding to final database dump 0001.875 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_bans.table.gz (20/42): adding to final database dump 0001.876 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage.table.tmpr12168.gz (21/42): adding to final database dump 0001.940 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage.table.gz (22/42): adding to final database dump 0001.941 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints.table.tmpr0.gz (23/42): adding to final database dump 0001.942 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints.table.gz (24/42): adding to final database dump 0001.943 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache.table.tmpr0.gz (25/42): adding to final database dump 0001.944 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache.table.gz (26/42): adding to final database dump 0001.945 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts.table.tmpr0.gz (27/42): adding to final database dump 0001.946 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts.table.gz (28/42): adding to final database dump 0001.946 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_logs.table.tmpr0.gz (29/42): adding to final database dump 0001.948 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_logs.table.gz (30/42): adding to final database dump 0001.949 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes.table.tmpr0.gz (31/42): adding to final database dump 0001.950 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes.table.gz (32/42): adding to final database dump 0001.951 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens.table.tmpr1.gz (33/42): adding to final database dump 0001.952 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens.table.gz (34/42): adding to final database dump 0001.953 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_temp.table.tmpr0.gz (35/42): adding to final database dump 0001.954 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_temp.table.gz (36/42): adding to final database dump 0001.955 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups.table.tmpr1001.gz (37/42): adding to final database dump 0001.956 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups.table.gz (38/42): adding to final database dump 0001.956 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_links.table.tmpr0.gz (39/42): adding to final database dump 0001.957 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_links.table.gz (40/42): adding to final database dump 0001.958 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_postmeta.table.tmpr219586.gz (41/42): adding to final database dump 0001.961 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_postmeta.table.gz (42/42): adding to final database dump 0001.962 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_posts.table.tmpr32432.gz (43/42): adding to final database dump 0002.042 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_posts.table.gz (44/42): adding to final database dump 0002.044 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_term_relationships.table.tmpr6.gz (45/42): adding to final database dump 0002.044 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_term_relationships.table.gz (46/42): adding to final database dump 0002.045 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_term_taxonomy.table.tmpr6.gz (47/42): adding to final database dump 0002.046 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_term_taxonomy.table.gz (48/42): adding to final database dump 0002.047 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_termmeta.table.tmpr0.gz (49/42): adding to final database dump 0002.048 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_termmeta.table.gz (50/42): adding to final database dump 0002.049 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_terms.table.tmpr6.gz (51/42): adding to final database dump 0002.050 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_terms.table.gz (52/42): adding to final database dump 0002.051 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_redirection_404.table.tmpr0.gz (53/42): adding to final database dump 0002.052 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_redirection_404.table.gz (54/42): adding to final database dump 0002.053 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_redirection_groups.table.tmpr3.gz (55/42): adding to final database dump 0002.054 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_redirection_groups.table.gz (56/42): adding to final database dump 0002.055 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_redirection_items.table.tmpr3.gz (57/42): adding to final database dump 0002.056 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_redirection_items.table.gz (58/42): adding to final database dump 0002.057 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_redirection_logs.table.tmpr0.gz (59/42): adding to final database dump 0002.059 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_redirection_logs.table.gz (60/42): adding to final database dump 0002.060 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta.table.tmpr0.gz (61/42): adding to final database dump 0002.061 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta.table.gz (62/42): adding to final database dump 0002.062 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_tm_tasks.table.tmpr0.gz (63/42): adding to final database dump 0002.063 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_tm_tasks.table.gz (64/42): adding to final database dump 0002.064 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries.table.tmpr0.gz (65/42): adding to final database dump 0002.065 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries.table.gz (66/42): adding to final database dump 0002.065 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields.table.tmpr13.gz (67/42): adding to final database dump 0002.067 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields.table.gz (68/42): adding to final database dump 0002.068 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms.table.tmpr2.gz (69/42): adding to final database dump 0002.069 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms.table.gz (70/42): adding to final database dump 0002.070 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta.table.tmpr0.gz (71/42): adding to final database dump 0002.071 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta.table.gz (72/42): adding to final database dump 0002.072 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_indexable.table.tmpr443.gz (73/42): adding to final database dump 0002.076 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_indexable.table.gz (74/42): adding to final database dump 0002.077 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy.table.tmpr0.gz (75/42): adding to final database dump 0002.079 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy.table.gz (76/42): adding to final database dump 0002.079 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_migrations.table.tmpr19.gz (77/42): adding to final database dump 0002.080 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_migrations.table.gz (78/42): adding to final database dump 0002.081 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term.table.tmpr0.gz (79/42): adding to final database dump 0002.082 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term.table.gz (80/42): adding to final database dump 0002.083 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links.table.tmpr370279.gz (81/42): adding to final database dump 0002.086 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links.table.gz (82/42): adding to final database dump 0002.087 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db-table-[REDACTED]_yoast_seo_meta.table.gz (83/42): adding to final database dump 0002.112 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db.gz: finished writing out complete database file (624 KB) 0002.138 (0) Total database tables backed up: 42 (backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db.gz, size: 656201, sha1: 25bce1a88a108d76227eae3d759baf787d1623ea, sha256: 0ffad21c12569873da3b26c08cf3ad6912e2133916ace361c53da1af7b9a2744) 0002.146 (0) backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db.gz: db: This file has not yet been successfully uploaded: will queue 0002.147 (0) Saving backup history. Total backup size: 640.8 KB 0002.150 (0) Requesting upload of the files that have not yet been successfully uploaded (1) 0002.153 (0) Cloud backup selection (1/1): none with instance (1/1) (last) 0002.154 (0) No remote despatch: user chose no remote backup service 0002.155 (0) Recording as successfully uploaded: backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db.gz 0002.158 (0) Retain: beginning examination of existing backup sets; user setting: retain_files=2, retain_db=5 0002.160 (0) Number of backup sets in history: 8; groups (db): 1 0002.161 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=1a4eccc81dce, datestamp=1605377677 (Nov 14 2020 18:14:37) 0002.161 (0) This backup set is the backup set just made, so will not be deleted. 0002.161 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=a886374fb1da, datestamp=1605374268 (Nov 14 2020 17:17:48) 0002.161 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=0/d=1); will retain in history 0002.162 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=52af6eeac1e5, datestamp=1605365265 (Nov 14 2020 14:47:45) 0002.162 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=0/d=1); will retain in history 0002.162 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=5f96adcd5da3, datestamp=1605359223 (Nov 14 2020 13:07:03) 0002.162 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=0/d=1); will retain in history 0002.163 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=8a3687c2d639, datestamp=1605350934 (Nov 14 2020 10:48:54) 0002.163 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=0/d=1); will retain in history 0002.163 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=0a579641823f, datestamp=1605342198 (Nov 14 2020 08:23:18) 0002.163 (0) 1605342198: db: this set includes a database (backup_2020-11-14-0023_6200_Productions_0a579641823f-db.gz); db count is now 5 0002.163 (0) 1605342198: db: over retain limit (5); will delete this database 0002.163 (0) Delete file: backup_2020-11-14-0023_6200_Productions_0a579641823f-db.gz, service=none 0002.164 (0) Deleting local copy (backup_2020-11-14-0023_6200_Productions_0a579641823f-db.gz) 0002.179 (0) This backup set is now empty; will remove from history 0002.180 (0) Deleting log file (log.0a579641823f.txt) 0002.181 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=396e8c2259c4, datestamp=1605312459 (Nov 14 2020 00:07:39) 0002.181 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=028afedf6f84, datestamp=1605229102 (Nov 13 2020 00:58:22) 0002.181 (0) Number of backup sets in history: 7; groups (files): 1 0002.182 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=1a4eccc81dce, datestamp=1605377677 (Nov 14 2020 18:14:37) 0002.182 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=0/d=1); will retain in history 0002.183 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=a886374fb1da, datestamp=1605374268 (Nov 14 2020 17:17:48) 0002.183 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=0/d=1); will retain in history 0002.184 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=52af6eeac1e5, datestamp=1605365265 (Nov 14 2020 14:47:45) 0002.184 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=0/d=1); will retain in history 0002.184 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=5f96adcd5da3, datestamp=1605359223 (Nov 14 2020 13:07:03) 0002.184 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=0/d=1); will retain in history 0002.184 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=8a3687c2d639, datestamp=1605350934 (Nov 14 2020 10:48:54) 0002.184 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=0/d=1); will retain in history 0002.184 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=396e8c2259c4, datestamp=1605312459 (Nov 14 2020 00:07:39) 0002.184 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=1/d=0); will retain in history 0002.185 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=028afedf6f84, datestamp=1605229102 (Nov 13 2020 00:58:22) 0002.185 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=1/d=0); will retain in history 0002.185 (0) Retain: saving new backup history (sets now: 7) and finishing retain operation 0002.188 (0) Resume backup (1a4eccc81dce, 0): finish run 0002.190 (0) Decremented the semaphore (d) by 1 0002.191 (0) Semaphore (d) unlocked 0002.192 (0) There were no errors in the uploads, so the 'resume' event (1) is being unscheduled 0002.196 (0) No email will/can be sent - the user has not configured an email address. 0002.197 (0) The backup apparently succeeded and is now complete 0000.000 (1) Opened log file at time: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 20:50:06 +0000 on 0000.002 (1) UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.34 WP: 5.5.3 PHP: 7.4.11 (cgi-fcgi, Linux cactus 4.14.117-grsec-grsec+ #1 SMP Sat May 11 00:40:24 UTC 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.28-log WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 33.4M | 2M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 mcrypt: N LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y 0000.003 (1) Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 406490.5 MB 0000.004 (1) This backup task (1a4eccc81dce) is either complete or began over 2 days ago: ending (1605387006.8643, ) (existing jobdata keys: )
(Again, I’ve redacted the table prefix, which I changed for security purposes; the prefix isn’t actually “[REDACTED]” and the log correctly reflects the actual prefix.)
There are two different log files for the restore — log.[task]ad.txt and log.[task]ad-browser.txt. They are as follows:
0000.012 () Opened log file at time: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 20:50:02 +0000 on 0000.013 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.34 WP: 5.5.3 PHP: 7.4.11 (cgi-fcgi, Linux cactus 4.14.117-grsec-grsec+ #1 SMP Sat May 11 00:40:24 UTC 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.28-log WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 45.8M | 8M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 mcrypt: N LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y 0000.013 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 406490.7 MB 0000.002 () Opened log file at time: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 20:50:03 +0000 on 0000.003 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.16.34 WP: 5.5.3 PHP: 7.4.11 (cgi-fcgi, Linux cactus 4.14.117-grsec-grsec+ #1 SMP Sat May 11 00:40:24 UTC 2019 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.28-log WPLANG: en_US Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 41.7M | 2M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 mcrypt: N LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y 0000.003 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 406490.4 MB 0000.028 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore 0000.046 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore 0000.086 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["[REDACTED]_options","[REDACTED]_users","[REDACTED]_usermeta","[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions","[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims","[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups","[REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs","[REDACTED]_commentmeta","[REDACTED]_comments","[REDACTED]_itsec_bans","[REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage","[REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints","[REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache","[REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts","[REDACTED]_itsec_logs","[REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes","[REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens","[REDACTED]_itsec_temp","[REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups","[REDACTED]_links","[REDACTED]_postmeta","[REDACTED]_posts","[REDACTED]_term_relationships","[REDACTED]_term_taxonomy","[REDACTED]_termmeta","[REDACTED]_terms","[REDACTED]_redirection_404","[REDACTED]_redirection_groups","[REDACTED]_redirection_items","[REDACTED]_redirection_logs","[REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta","[REDACTED]_tm_tasks","[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries","[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields","[REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms","[REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta","[REDACTED]_yoast_indexable","[REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy","[REDACTED]_yoast_migrations","[REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term","[REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links","[REDACTED]_yoast_seo_meta"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1} 0000.115 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup 0000.117 () Entity: db 0000.117 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db.gz, type=db, info=a:0:{}, last_one=1) 0000.117 () Unpacking backup... (backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db.gz, 0.6 Mb) 0000.128 () Database successfully unpacked 0000.129 () Restoring the database (on a large site this can take a long time - if it times out (which can happen if your web hosting company has configured your hosting to limit resources) then you should use a different method, such as phpMyAdmin)... 0000.129 () Using direct MySQL access; value of use_mysqli is: 1 0000.130 () SQL compatibility mode is: NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION 0000.151 () Tried to raise max_allowed_packet from 16 MB to 32 MB, but failed (Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation, b:0;) 0000.152 () Max packet size: 16 MB 0000.152 () Entering maintenance mode 0000.153 () Enabling Maintenance mode… 0000.379 () Backup of: 0000.380 () Content URL: 0000.380 () Uploads URL: 0000.380 () Old table prefix: [REDACTED]_ 0000.380 () Site information: multisite=0 0000.380 () Site information: sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION 0000.382 () New table prefix: [REDACTED]_ 0000.389 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_options 0000.444 () Restoring prior UD configuration (table: [REDACTED]_options; keys: 4) 0000.461 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_users 0000.467 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_usermeta 0000.475 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions 0000.486 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims 0000.494 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups 0000.503 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs 0000.527 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_commentmeta 0000.530 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_comments 0000.536 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_bans 0000.546 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage 0000.687 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints 0000.697 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache 0000.705 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts 0000.712 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_logs 0000.725 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes 0000.734 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens 0000.743 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_itsec_temp 0000.754 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups 0000.759 () Database queries processed: 50 in 0.62 seconds 0000.763 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_links 0000.767 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_postmeta 0000.779 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_posts 0000.838 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_term_relationships 0000.854 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_term_taxonomy 0000.861 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_termmeta 0000.870 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_terms 0000.875 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_404 0000.879 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_groups 0000.884 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_items 0000.889 () Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_logs 0000.896 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta 0000.905 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_tm_tasks 0000.914 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries 0000.927 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields 0000.943 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms 0000.953 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta 0000.962 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable 0001.017 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy 0001.024 () Database queries processed: 100 in 0.89 seconds 0001.027 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_migrations 0001.035 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term 0001.043 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links 0001.093 () Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_meta 0001.709 () Unlocking database and leaving maintenance mode 0001.709 () Disabling Maintenance mode… 0001.709 () Finished: lines processed: 132 in 1.57 seconds 0001.710 () Cleaning up rubbish... 0001.756 () Clearing cached pages (WP Super Cache)... 0001.838 () Restore successful! 0001.838 () Restore successful
0000.095 (R) [notice] Looking for db archive: file name: backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db.gz 0000.095 (R) [notice] Archive is expected to be size: 640.8 KB: OK 0000.115 (R) [notice] Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup 0000.117 (R) [notice] Unpacking backup... (backup_2020-11-14-1014_6200_Productions_1a4eccc81dce-db.gz, 0.6 Mb) 0000.129 (R) [notice] Restoring the database (on a large site this can take a long time - if it times out (which can happen if your web hosting company has configured your hosting to limit resources) then you should use a different method, such as phpMyAdmin)... 0000.153 (R) [notice] Enabling Maintenance mode… 0000.379 (R) [notice] Backup of: 0000.379 (R) [notice] Content URL: 0000.380 (R) [notice] Uploads URL: 0000.380 (R) [notice] Old table prefix: [REDACTED]_ 0000.380 (R) [notice] Site information: multisite = 0 0000.380 (R) [notice] Site information: sql_mode = NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION 0000.382 (R) [notice] New table prefix: [REDACTED]_ 0000.389 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_options 0000.461 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_users 0000.467 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_usermeta 0000.475 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_actions 0000.486 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_claims 0000.494 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_groups 0000.504 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_actionscheduler_logs 0000.527 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_commentmeta 0000.531 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_comments 0000.536 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_bans 0000.546 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_distributed_storage 0000.688 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_fingerprints 0000.697 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_geolocation_cache 0000.705 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_itsec_lockouts 0000.712 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_logs 0000.725 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_mutexes 0000.734 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_opaque_tokens 0000.743 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_itsec_temp 0000.754 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_itsec_user_groups 0000.759 (R) [notice] Database queries processed: 50 in 0.62 seconds 0000.763 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_links 0000.767 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_postmeta 0000.779 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_posts 0000.838 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_term_relationships 0000.854 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_term_taxonomy 0000.861 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_termmeta 0000.870 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_terms 0000.875 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_404 0000.879 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_groups 0000.884 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_items 0000.889 (R) [notice] Processing table (MyISAM): [REDACTED]_redirection_logs 0000.896 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_tm_taskmeta 0000.905 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_tm_tasks 0000.914 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_entries 0000.927 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_fields 0000.943 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_visual_form_builder_forms 0000.953 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta 0000.962 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable 0001.018 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_indexable_hierarchy 0001.024 (R) [notice] Database queries processed: 100 in 0.89 seconds 0001.027 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_migrations 0001.035 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_primary_term 0001.044 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_links 0001.093 (R) [notice] Processing table (InnoDB): [REDACTED]_yoast_seo_meta 0001.709 (R) [notice] Disabling Maintenance mode… 0001.709 (R) [notice] Finished: lines processed: 132 in 1.57 seconds 0001.710 (R) [notice] Cleaning up rubbish... 0001.756 (R) [notice] Clearing cached pages (WP Super Cache)... 0001.838 (R) [notice] Restore successful!
I hastily rebuilt the wiped pages from my offline files, but can confirm that the post_content fields were completely empty after the restoration.
I tried it again, same result as the other day. I posted in more detail, but that reply is awaiting moderation.
- The topic ‘Some pages wiped in database backup’ is closed to new replies.