Hey @moviedebuts,
Thanks for sharing the details!
Here are some of the entries :
https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/arizona-charlies-boulder/feed https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/denver-broncos/feed https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/mobile-app/page/2 https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/careful/page/2 https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/toast/page/2 https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/bobby-flay/page/2 https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/pierce-the-veil/feed https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/dubstep/feed
I’m totally confused about this. Maybe these links shouldn’t be indexed? Maybe there is another issue.
There are 2 types of URLs here. First are the /feed URLs and second are the paginated URLs.
Feed URLs aren’t useful for your site visitors and shouldn’t get indexed on Google. These URLs are crawled by feed readers and aren’t useful for your site visitors or from an SEO perspective. Hence, you can safely ignore the Noindex status for these URLs – this would not cause any SEO or indexing issues on your website.
You can check this thread at Google regarding the same status for feed URLs –
As for the paginated URLs (like https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/mobile-app/page/2), they’re intentionally marked Noindex by default.
We recommend setting the paginated pages to Noindex so that Google only indexes the main/first page of the paginated series.
If all the paginated pages are indexed, this might lead to one of the paginated pages getting ranked higher than the actual main page – which you might not want.
For example, if indexed, the URL https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/mobile-app/page/2 might get ranked higher than https://vegaspublicity.com/tag/mobile-app/, which you might not want.
I checked the non-paginated/main version of the URLs and we’re not adding any Noindex tags there. Here’s a screenshot for a quick reference –
With that said, it is important to note that setting the paginated pages to Noindex or Nofollow doesn’t, in any manner, block Google from crawling or indexing the content listed on those paginated pages – it’s just that Google would not index the paginated page itself.
Here’s a guide with more details: https://aioseo.com/docs/setting-noindex-and-nofollow-on-paginated-content/
However, if you still want to remove the Noindex and Nofollow tags from the paginated pages, you can follow the steps below to do that –
- Go to All in One SEO > Search Appearance > Advanced tab
- Disable the Use Default Settings toggle for Global Robots Meta
- Uncheck the No Index Paginated and No Follow Paginated checkboxes and Save Changes – https://a.supportally.com/i/tSjcBP
Once done, see if the Noindex and Nofollow tags are removed.
I’d still suggest keeping the Noindex tag on paginated pages as this would help your website’s SEO. Also, the main page of the above paginated URL is already indexed on Google. Here’s the search result –
Let’s go back to the original problem: https://vegaspublicity.com/stats.jpg
Note that in less than a year the stats dropped from 45,000 to less than 600. This has been a real disaster and I have no idea if tags re the problem.
There are many reasons why impressions can drop but it’s unlikely to be caused by an SEO plugin. Here’s the documentation from Google listing some troubleshooting for drops in traffic and impressions –
SEO is all about how content is optimized so that search engines can index it and display it in search results.
However, I checked the Sitemaps, Robots.txt, as well as the source of a few posts and pages on your website and found a few things that you can work on to further optimize your website –
- Duplicate OpenGraph tags – Although this shouldn’t cause issues with impressions or Google Search Results, I found that you have duplicate OpenGraph tags on your website that could confuse the social media platforms about the tags to consider while generating a preview for your website. Screencast – https://a.supportally.com/v/ix2r5X
You can follow this guide to perform a conflict test to see which plugin/theme is outputting the duplicate tags – https://aioseo.com/docs/how-to-troubleshoot-issues-with-all-in-one-seo-pack/#:~:text=Install%20and%20activate%20the%20Health%20Check%20%26%20Troubleshooting%20plugin
Once found, you can disable the OpenGraph tags feature of that plugin/theme to fix this.
- Indexing Allowed for Attachment Pages – While checking the Sitemaps, I noticed that you have enabled indexing for WordPress Attachment Pages. Screenshot – https://a.supportally.com/i/PwSPRI
These pages are created by WordPress for media elements and they have very thin content, thus they aren’t helpful from an SEO point of view.
If you haven’t intentionally enabled the indexing of this post type, you can follow this guide to redirect these attachment pages to the actual attachments and fix this – https://aioseo.com/docs/what-are-media-attachments-and-should-i-submit-them-to-search-engines/
- Missing ALT texts – While checking the source code of your website, I noticed that the images are missing the ALT texts. ALT texts are used to explain the image content to search engines and are primary factors of Image SEO.
I suggest you go to your WordPress Dashboard > Media Library and add the ALT texts to the images of your website to fix this.
- Sample pages are Indexable – While checking the Page Sitemap of your website, I noticed that you’ve enabled the indexing of the below sample pages –
Since these are sample pages and aren’t helpful for your website’s SEO, you can follow this guide to disable indexing for them – https://aioseo.com/docs/showing-or-hiding-your-content-in-search-results/#excluding-specific-items-of-content-from-search-results
These are mainly the issues I noticed on your website. However, I’d also suggest that you further enhance the content quality and overall performance of the website to further enhance the chances of improving your website’s performance on the search results.
Additionally, I’d suggest checking the Pages section of your Google Search Console account for other reported issues that could be adding to the issues you’re facing.
It’s important to note that impressions can drop due to various factors such as algorithm updates, seasonal trends, technical issues, and changes in user behavior. It’s essential to monitor various metrics and address technical issues and content relevance to mitigate the impact on website visibility.
Please let me know if you have any questions.