What would cause this to happen?
The default policy for unrecognized pages is “no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate”. Cache-Control only supports the default page types generated by WordPress. Currently, Cache-Control matches against WordPress’ standard conditionals.
I see WooCommerce offers some standard conditionals as well. WooCommerce options could be made available on the admin side by checking for
and on the template with function_exists('is_woocommerce')
Is there any chance you could work on a patch, @danharper83? You’d need to add some new conditionals for the missing page types here (I think the missing pages are is_product, is_product_tag, is_product_category – and verify that the other pages are inded non-caching), and expand the default options here (set the id, name, max_age, and s_maxage). Admin panel should work itself out as you add new options.
This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by