• Resolved Lanchopat


    Sorry, but I am unable to register in the support forums (perhaps I’m just too stupid, but the Facebook Connect button doesn’t work and I also don’t want to connect with Facebook) and there was no e-mail address to contact you. So I’ll post my problem here:
    I set up the latest Wordbooker version with the newest WordPress and was not able to wordbook out Facebook site, it always gives me “(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: xxxxxxxxxx”
    I fiddled a bit with that issue and found out that my id was not xxxxxxxxxx (10 characters) but yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (15 characters, completely different). So I set facebook_id from wordbooker_userdata (the database table) to yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and now it works (except that it still throws “Authorisation Process – Unable to get information – (#3) Unknown method “).
    It would be cool if you could solve this problem completely.


Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)
  • Plugin Author Steve


    You can’t just change the FB I’d stored in the database as the auth tokens won’t work. When you authorised Wordbooker were you using Facebook as you or as a page you manage? FB will allow you to authorise against a page but the rest of the process then fails. That might also explain why the login using fB button didn’t work on the support forums.

    Thread Starter Lanchopat


    Wow, thanks for your fast reply.
    For some reason, it worked just by changing the database.
    I’m not very experienced with Facebook. I logged in as normal user, it gives me #803 like I said. I tried it after clicking that button on FB that lets me post as site and tried again, still the same error.
    The id stays the same in both cases, so perhaps I am doing it wrong? A failsafe guide would be cool ^^

    Plugin Author Steve


    Yes but it doesn’t look like its working OK at all – “(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist” implies a problem with the access token, as does “Authorisation Process – Unable to get information – (#3) Unknown method”

    Can you login to FB on your browser and make sure you are using at as you, and not anything else.

    Then go to Wordbooker and Click on the Reset User Session and when its finished the auth process can you copy and paste the diagnostic messages.

    Also I just logged in to the Wordbooker support forums using the Login Using Facebook button and it worked fine.

    Thread Starter Lanchopat


    Here comes the full log with everything I can provide ??

    After login:

    Post	Time	Action	Message	Error Code
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:17:32 	Cache Refresh Commence 	1 	-
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:17:32 	Cache Refresh for 		-
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:17:32 	UID length : 	10 	-
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:17:32 	Cache processing for user : 	(2147483647) 	-
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:17:33 	Getting Permisions for : 	2147483647 	-
    Authorisation Process 	2014-01-20 19:17:33 	Unable to get information 	(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: 2147483647 	99
    Server Status	
        Wordbooker: 2.2.0
        Wordbooker Code Base: 2.2.0 - Birds & Planes
        Wordbooker Current Stable Release: 2.2.0
        Blog Domain: klimaag.wvsharzburg.de ( Domain )
        Wordbooker ID: 254577506873
        Wordbooker Premium Key: Not Activated
        Wordbooker Schema: 5.7
        WordPress: 3.8
        Table prefix: wp2_
        PHP: 5.3.19
        PHP Memory Limit: 256M
        PHP Memory Usage (MB): 29.5
        PHP Max Execution Time: 90
        JSON Encode: PHP
        JSON Decode: PHP
        WP_HTTP Status: WP_HTTP can access Facebook - All is OK ( Response Time was : 0.44718194007874 seconds )
        Curl Status: Curl is available and can access Facebook - All is OK, you can use the Curl Interface ( Response Time was : 0.43010902404785 seconds )
        Curl Version: 7.24.0
        Facebook Interface: WP HTTP
        JSON Version: 1.2.1
        SimpleXML library: 0.1 (provided by PHP)
        HTTP Output Character Encoding: pass
        Internal PHP Character Encoding: UTF-8
        MySQL: 5.5.28-log
        Database character_set_client : utf8
        Database character_set_connection : utf8
        Database character_set_database : latin1
        Database character_set_filesystem : binary
        Database character_set_results : utf8
        Database character_set_server : utf8
        Database character_set_system : utf8
        Database character_sets_dir : /usr/share/charsets/
        Database collation_connection : utf8_general_ci
        Database collation_database : latin1_german2_ci
        Database collation_server : utf8_general_ci
        Server : Apache/2.2.22
    Active Plugins :
           Adminer ( 1.2.3 )
           Antispam Bee ( 2.6.0 )
           Broken Link Checker ( 1.9.2 )
           DirtySuds - Embed PDF ( 1.04 )
           Hyper Cache Extended ( 1.1.0 )
           Infinite Scroll ( 2.6.2 )
           Limit Login Attempts ( 1.7.1 )
           MailPress ( 5.4 )
           WP-Piwik ( )
           WP-Pro-Quiz ( 0.28 )
           Yet Another Related Posts Plugin ( 4.1.2 )
    Wordbooker Table Status :
              Table 'wp2_wordbooker_errorlogs' is present and contains 298 rows
              Table 'wp2_wordbooker_postlogs' is present and contains 0 rows
              Table 'wp2_wordbooker_userdata' is present and contains 1 rows
              Table 'wp2_wordbooker_userstatus' is present and contains 0 rows
              Table 'wp2_wordbooker_postcomments' is present and contains 0 rows
              Table 'wp2_wordbooker_process_queue' is present and contains 0 rows
              Table 'wp2_wordbooker_fb_friends' is present and contains 0 rows
              Table 'wp2_wordbooker_fb_friend_lists' is present and contains 0 rows

    And now when trying to post something:

    Post	Time	Action	Message	Error Code
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Author of this post is the Post Author 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Commence Publish 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Starting Post Processing 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Post exclusion types 	post 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	This looks like a new post being published 	publish 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Calling Wordbooker publishing function 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_noncename 	04d5563e92 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_publish_default 	on 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_primary_target 	PW:2147483647 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_primary_type 	1 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_primary_active 	on 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_extract_length 	256 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_actionlink 	200 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_use_excerpt 	on 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_attribute 	hat einen neuen Beitrag ver?ffentlich 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_excerpt_for_attribute 	on 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_status_update_text 	Neuer Beitrag: 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_like_button_post 	1 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_share_button_post 	1 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_comment_put 	on 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_comment_get 	on 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_publish_page_default 	on 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_publish_post_default 	on 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_post_edited 	yes 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_tag_noncename 	04d5563e92 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_default_author 	1 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_override_id 	1 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	(1651) Post option : wordbooker_new_post 	1 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	User has been set to : 	1 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Posting as user : 	1 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Calling wordbooker_fbclient_publishaction 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Getting image from custom meta : image 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Getting image from custom meta : thumb 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Getting image from custom meta : Thumbnail 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Getting the rest of the images 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Setting image array to be both thumb and the post images 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Setting image array to be post and thumb images. 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	No Post images found so loading blank to keep Facebook happy 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Post Images : 	https://klimaag.wvsharzburg.de/wp-content/plugins/wordbooker/includes/wordbooker_blank.jpg 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Getting the Excerpt 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Post Titled : 	Test 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Post URL : 	https://klimaag.wvsharzburg.de/test/ 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Post Caption : 	Klimaschutz-AG des Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasiums Bad Harzburg 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:24 	Share Link being used 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:25 	Posting to Personal Wall (Primary) as a Wall Post 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:25 		(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: 2147483647 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:25 	Wall Post to Personal Wall Failed : 	(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: 2147483647 	-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:25 	Posting to Secondary target (Personal Wall) not active 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:25 	Commence Publish 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:25 	Starting Post Processing 		-
    Test 	2014-01-20 19:23:25 	Post exclusion types 	revision 	-
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:23:41 	Cache Refresh Commence 	1 	-
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:23:41 	Cache Refresh for 		-
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:23:41 	UID length : 	10 	-
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:23:41 	Cache processing for user : 	(2147483647) 	-
    Cache Refresh 	2014-01-20 19:23:41 	Getting Permisions for : 	2147483647 	-
    Authorisation Process 	2014-01-20 19:23:42 	Unable to get information 	(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: 2147483647 	99

    Plugin Author Steve


    OK – there is something odd going on 2147483647 is a max interger issue

    Are you running on 32 bit platform?

    Wordbooker should be returning strings from FB, but its always possible FB have changed something again.

    Can you try something for me?

    go to


    and login as development/developer1

    and see if you can get Wordbooker to authorise properly there – you don’t need to do a post, if Wordbooker can’t get its data then you’ll get the same errors from the initial cache load that you posted in your last reply.

    If it works there then we know its your server. If it doesn’t then its something odd with your profile which my plugin isn’t handling.

    Thread Starter Lanchopat


    Tried it, you are right, it is a server problem. What do I have to do now?

    Plugin Author Steve


    Is it a 32 bit server? I should have coded Wordbooker to work on 32 bit php when handling Facebook’s large numbers but I guess not and I don’t have a 32 bit machine anywhere to hand to work out how to handle it

    Thread Starter Lanchopat



    $int = "9223372036854775807";
    $int = intval($int);
    if ($int == 9223372036854775807) {
      /* 64bit */
      echo "true";
    elseif ($int == 2147483647) {
      /* 32bit */
      echo "false";
    else {
      /* error */
      echo "error";

    returns false, so it is 32 bit.

    Plugin Author Steve


    OK – I’ll scratch my head and think about it over a couple of pints of beer in the pub this evening.

    I should be returning text from FB and handling it totally as text – so its going to be something funky in the JSON decoding that is for some reason casting to an integer.

    Plugin Author Steve


    Can you go into the Advanced settings and set the option to allow Wordbooker to use Curl?

    Then save the settings and do a reset and see if it starts working?

    Thread Starter Lanchopat


    Nope, still the same error.

    Plugin Author Steve


    OK – its going to be either:

    1) Facebook not returning JSON strings when they should
    2) Something funky in PHP.

    I’ll do some investigation on option 1 as its something I can check without a 32 bit environment.

    Plugin Author Steve


    I might have a work round – will do some more testing and then zip it up.

    Plugin Author Steve


    Thread Starter Lanchopat


    Sorry, it seems to be the same integer issue like before ??

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