Some mycred errors in my debug.log
Hi Gabriel,
can you please have a look on this ( from my debug file)[02-Aug-2015 23:26:57 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of myCRED_Notifications::after_general_settings() should be compatible with myCRED_Module::after_general_settings($mycred) in /homepages/26/d553229553/htdocs/clickandbuilds/kawaii/wp-content/plugins/mycred-notice-plus/mycred-notice-plus.php on line 203
[02-Aug-2015 23:26:57 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of myCRED_Notifications::after_general_settings() should be compatible with myCRED_Module::after_general_settings($mycred) in /homepages/26/d553229553/htdocs/clickandbuilds/kawaii/wp-content/plugins/mycred-notice-plus/mycred-notice-plus.php on line 203
How can I get rid of that ?
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