• I am appreciating your plugin and what it is letting me do, and there are some issues… I am using this to log out a user role I am using to let certain folks bypass a coming soon page on a couple sites I am building, so as to see the progress of the sites…

    I have found that if one happens to save the general settings without anything in the duration box one can get locked out of the site if I go to the front end, because I have other things set so that a login via the wp-admin login page goes to the front end with the admim bar at the top… Fortunately I had another tab open to the same general settings page, and was able to reset that box with some time… Otherwise I would have had to delete the plugin from the server…

    I found also I had to either put a setting in the idle behavior area for admin, or put a large number in the general setting duration, to let an admin user stay on the front end for any significant period of time…

    I would like to suggest you put in an ability or checkbox to disable the duration in the general area, and let only the settings in the idle behavior area be active… That way and for my purposes as an example, the subscriber role would get logged out after the idle behavior duration setting expired, but no other roles would be affected or logged out at all…

    This would be very helpful in being able to more finely tweak things without having to make a setting with a large number in the idle behavior section to bypass the general area setting, or put a large number in the general area duration setting…

    And also, to make it so no one can save the general area with nothing in the duration setting…

    I also found that I need most often to make a new entry in the idle behavior area twice before it takes, so to speak… Just a little buggy thing…

    And thank you very much for making this available, it is very helpful…

    Kind regards…


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