• Resolved Max Beta


    I’ve used this plugin before and it’s just super simple to move a site this way. Great work!

    I moved a site now and noticed some issues:

    1. One jpeg image didn’t work after the move. The only probable cause I could see was that the file name use Swedish special characters. But since WP is fine with this why wouldn’t the move work anyway? I grabbed the same image from the dev site and uploaded it again – no problem.

    2. After the move I noticed that my old plugins and theme was still installed (but not activated). As I remembered it the move used to do a compete replace of everything. Maybe I remember this wrong…


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  • Plugin Author servmask


    Hi Max Beta,

    I am sorry for the inconvenience.
    1. Yes, it should be working even though the file name is in Swedish.
    2. And yes, the plugin moves and does a complete replace of everything for you.

    Is it possible for you to reach out to us at support at servmask.com as I would like the engineer to have a look?

    Thread Starter Max Beta



    I don’t think there is much you can do since the site is up and running. I just wanted to make a report to help you if there are some unknown issues. Maybe someone else will post here later if the problem should happen again.

    Plugin Author Pim J. Iliev


    Thank you again, Max Beta.

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