Some issues…
Hi, thanks for this awesome modern theme!
Could You help me please with some things I want to change?
Is it possible:
1) Add menu background color displayed in Home Hero page section? (e.g. with custom CSS plugin)
2) Change color of Home Hero button + Mobile Menu button – only in Home Hero section? (except theme color)
3) Change width of logo for on mobile devices (mine is a little wider).
– on iPhone (only in vertical position) mobile menu button goes through logo – applies for both: Hero Home section and sticky
4) Add UTF-8 coding for letters? (they are not displaying correctly..)
5) E.g. ,,Search page results,, are not translated. – Is it possible to translate only few strings, or I need to create whole .mo file?
Thans for any help!
PS: Excuse my bad English
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