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  • sere7


    I am having the same problem — the [event-title] is not displaying after updating to 2.1.1, running WordPress 4.0

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    You have the Event title set on the actual Google Calendar right? Just want to make sure. Sorry for the inconvenience I will be helping as much as I can.

    Thread Starter Laz R


    Yes, it is set in the Google Calendar (



    If you mean that each event has a title, yes, they do. I’m wondering if something changed with Google because the calendar was working just fine a week ago…

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    What is the event builder code you are currently running? I would like to test out what you are using to see if I can figure out what’s going on.




    (I started a separate thread about the same topic, and can’t delete it, so if it’s easier, I’ll just post here…)

    my event builder code is this:

    [start-date format=”l , F j] [if-not-all-day] [start-time] [/if-not-all-day] [if-all-day] All day [/if-all-day] [if-location], [location][/if-location]

    Using the widget in a sidebar (which I’ve hidden until fixed since it’s a client site), it ends up displayed like this:

    November 24, 2014 3:00 pm
    November 25, 2014 3:00 pm

    Thank you for looking into this!

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Just copied into my setup and it is showing the title as a link for me. Is there anyway you can set this up on a site where I can take a look?



    I set up a page where the widget now shows:

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    I noticed you are using W# Total cache. Are you caching JS files? What happens if you disable that plugin?

    Thread Starter Laz R



    Here is the code I am using:

    <div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event">
    [event-title] at [start-time]<br /> Dive Site: [location]

    This is for page:

    Even with the latest update of the calendar plugin the event-title is not showing neither is the location.



    I disabled W3 Total Cache, but it didn’t make any difference. Also, I have some custom CSS styles applied to gce, but when I temporarily deleted those from styles.css, there was no change.

    If it’s working fine on your end, then there must be something throwing it off on my site. However, it was working fine until Nov. 17th or around there, which makes me think some setting from either Google or the plugin updates isn’t jiving with the existing settings on my site.

    Thanks for any more thoughts you might have on this — there aren’t any other plugins that work(ed) as well as this one!

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    @laz R,

    It looks like the titles are not set on your Google Calendar. Or at least it is not returning them from the API.


    Please update to the latest so I can dig deeper.


    Thread Starter Laz R


    Nick – I’m not sure what changed as I did not make any changes on my end except to refresh the cache, but everything is working fine now. I will leave this topic open for you and sere7.

    Just updated to the latest plugin release. Still the same…

    Sere7, here’s an idea, I give it a 1% chance of helping —
    [start-date format="l, F j"] [if-not-all-day] <div>[link][event-title][/link][start-time] [if-location][location][/if-location] </div>[/if-not-all-day] [if-all-day] <div>[link][event-title][/link] All day [/if-all-day] [if-location], [location][/if-location]</div>

    I am assuming the missing quotation mark and the extraneous comma in your code were typos in the post, and not really present in your actual code.

    Also note there’s a place in the feed settings for the date format to go. You could try moving your format down there.

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