Some errors
Hi, nice plugin, thank you !
Just some issues, and if you address them, I suppose your plugin becomes very solid.1) in “admin/class-sign-in-with-google-admin.php , line 797, there definitely needs to have added
like this:
array_filter( explode( ', ', get_option( 'siwg_google_domain_restriction' ) ) ) ) );
because otherwise, even empty string exploded by comma, it makes the next step:
! empty( $domains )
to returnTRUE
(because $domains[0] member exists, even though that member has empty value). So, array_filter will fix that. Otherwise, we are returned back to our site afer G-login, and still shown the wp-login screen (with appended url:/?google_login=incorrect_domain
), because of that line.2) would be nice, if you add hyperlink to FAQ of this plugin (or even to Google Console) directly in Wp dashboard, aside the “enter Google credential” fields in your plugin. will facilitate things.
3) May I ask, is this plugin (generally do you) maximally protected in terms of code-security, to be free from weak holes (unprotected nonce, bypass authorization, tricking in registering/logging in to other user profile, etc…)? Just wanted to make sure , have you are emphasized on code security?
4) would be nice if you made addition – to add a new textfield, where we can enter the list of usernames (i.e. [email protected]), comma separated, and they will be blocked from registering? but note, google supports including dot in email and also
extension sign, so to avoid registering with i.e. [email protected] or [email protected], you will need to sanitizestr_replace( '.','', preg_replace('/(\+.\@)/', '', $email) );
or like that, and after that check if that mail is blocked.5) add option for admin, to block changing the password for those users, who signed up automatically with g-login. otherwise, people might login once with google, and then set password in wp, and then simply login with into WP-login page with plain email+pass . Admin should have option to prevent that or not. I think you will just need to add option in site, to check “if user ID X is registered with g-login, disable password set/change for him).
6) would be good also to have preventing auto-registration (even though if user successfully logins to his google), so, only the pre-registered (by admin) emails could login/join the WP site.
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