• Experience


    I updated my ad inserter plugin to the latest version (2.7.11) and the end part of my ad code was visible at the front end.

    If I rollback the ad inserter plugin to version 2.7.10, the code disappears.

    What could be responsible for this? Below is how the ad code looks like.

    	if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) { // This part will show ads to your non-banned visitors
    		$adCode = '<div class="aicp"><!-- Don\'t forget to add this div with aicp class -->
    		<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
    <!-- Header -->
    <ins class="adsbygoogle"
    (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
    		</div><!-- end of the aicp div -->';
    		echo $adCode;
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  • Thread Starter Experience


    @spacetime check again, the file DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT has been found and disabled.



    PHP processing should work – PHP button should be displayed.

    Thread Starter Experience


    @spacetime the problem still persist, check at your end, the ” echo $adCode; } ?>” part of the code is still visible at the front end.



    Now Ad Inserter works fine.
    However, it seems that PHP code is still not processed.

    I would suggest contacting your hosting provider to check.
    Maybe some security settings has disabled PHP code processing.

    Thread Starter Experience


    If so, then the disabled consonants is not responsible for that.

    Anyways, thank you very much for your time. Any suggestions on which area the host might have taken the action?



    Not true. Those constants prevent PHP processing.

    -> Check the server / WP installation to figure out why WP does not process PHP code (using the eval () function).



    Hey, check one more thing:

    The constant AI_NO_PHP_PROCESSING should not be defined.
    Check also header/footer code.

    Debugging info shows that you disabled PHP processing.

    Thread Starter Experience


    Thank you.

    “AI_NO_PHP_PROCESSING” has been disabled and the problem seems to have gone but an error is displaying at the site sidebar.

    Could you please check and recommend the solution, “PLEASE”



    Warning: Undefined array key "widget_id" in /home/headlin2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/td-composer/legacy/common/wp_booster/td_wp_booster_functions.php on line 2931

    plugin td-composer

    Thread Starter Experience


    Yeah how do I sought that out? I must use the plugin if I must continue to use the theme. They both came hand-in-hand and one cannot function without the other.

    Thread Starter Experience


    @spacetime are you still there?

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